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Differences between hashing and encryption and salting explained with examples

Hashing is a one-way function that outputs a fixed-length string, where it’s impossible to decipher back into the original input. Encryption is a reversible process used to scramble data so that it can’t be read. So, if you’re looking for a way to keep your passwords safe and secure, look no further than hashing! But there is a slight catch here that relates to the term salting.

How should databases be protected?

There’s simply no denying that Data is the currency of the future. All businesses have one or more databases and are naturally heavily reliant on them not only to store information, but also to utilise the data to make business informed decisions. Whether it’s payroll data, employee records, customer information, financial information or even inventory data today’s list of Data is endless.

Biggest Data Breaches in Australia (Includes 2021 Attacks)

Data breaches in Australia are on the rise, particularly in the financial and healthcare industries. In an effort to DISRUPT this pernicious trend, the Australian government is revising its cybersecurity frameworks and policies to strengthen resilience against nation-state threat actors. But Australian businesses cannot solely rely on the government's cybersecurity initiatives. Even the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) admits that proposed security frameworks only raise the baseline of security.

The Aviation Industry Needs to Move Towards Cyber Resilience

2021 is a significant year for aviation. It marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the worst acts of unlawful interference in the history of aviation. It is also the Year of Security Culture for the ICAO community, which aims to enhance security awareness and foster a security culture throughout the industry.

Kaseya, Sera. What REvil Shall Encrypt, Shall Encrypt

When Splunk told me we would have a “breach holiday” theme for the summer, I didn’t think it would be quite so on the nose… For those of you who have been working on this Kaseya REvil Ransomware incident over the weekend, I salute you. We’ve been doing the same. As usual, my team here at Splunk likes to make sure that we have some actionable material before posting a blog, and this time is no different.

What Is RegTech and Why Does It Matter?

Financial institutions lost $16.9 billion to account takeover and identity fraud in 2019 alone, and the shift to online financial services during the pandemic only exacerbated the problem. At the same time, the 60 percent jump in compliance costs and risk management spending since the 2008 financial crisis has left retail and corporate banks with little discretionary funding.

Networking with a Service Mesh: Use Cases, Best Practices, and Comparison of Top Mesh Options

Service mesh technology emerged with the popularization of microservice architectures. Because service mesh facilitates the separation of networking from the business logic, it enables you to focus on your application’s core competency. Microservice applications are distributed over multiple servers, data centers, or continents, making them highly network dependent.