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Why identities are the new perimeter in the cloud

In the ever-expanding world of cloud computing, one thing has become glaringly clear: identities are no longer just user profiles—they are the keys to the kingdom. As businesses race to harness the power of the cloud, they must also confront a growing menace: the risk posed by poorly managed identities. Imagine leaving your front door unlocked in a neighborhood known for break-ins — that’s what weak identity management is like in the cloud.

TrustCloud Product Updates: August 2024

Our teams are always hard at work improving the TrustCloud platform. Here are this month’s biggest updates. Introducing our ServiceNow integration! This is a bidirectional integration with ServiceNow to pull ticket details into TrustCloud. Teams can create new ServiceNow tasks in TrustCloud and attach ServiceNow links as evidence to your tests. The integration also supports automatic task creation from TrustCloud. Just go to Admin -> Connected Apps, where you can automate task creation.

Shining a Light on Shadow AI: What It Is and How to Find It

After speaking to a wide spectrum of customers ranging from SMBs to enterprises, three things have become clear: Add that together, and we get Shadow AI. This refers to AI usage that is not known or visible to an organization’s IT and security teams. Shadow AI comes in many forms, but in this blog we’ll stick to a discussion of Shadow AI as it pertains to applications. Application security teams are well aware that AI models come with additional risk.

Beyond Patches and CVEs: The New Dynamics of Enterprise Technology and Vulnerability Management

The enterprise technology landscape has changed significantly, driven by the rapid adoption of cloud technologies, evolving IT infrastructures, and evolving exploitation activities. This transformation requires that organizations take an updated approach to vulnerability management—one that goes beyond the traditional focus on patch management to encompass a broader spectrum of risks.

The persistent threat: Why major vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and Spring4Shell remain significant

As developers, we're constantly juggling features, fixes, and deadlines. Yet, a lurking issue has been surprisingly overlooked: the continued use of vulnerable Log4j and Spring Framework versions in many projects. Despite the high-profile exposure of Log4Shell and Spring4Shell vulnerabilities, a shocking number of applications are still running on these ticking time bombs. This isn't just a minor oversight — it's a major risk.

The Meaning of "Brute Force Attack" and How to Detect and Prevent Them

Ever since systems started restricting access through passwords, the trial and error method has been used to crack them. But even today, brute force attacks remain a serious danger for organizations. According to the 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, the brute force technique accounts for 21% of all basic web application attacks.