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HAFNIUM: Protecting Your Exchange Server from Data Exfiltration

In early March, Microsoft reported a large, coordinated attack that exploited critical vulnerabilities in Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 in an attempt to exfiltrate credentials and other sensitive information from organizations’ mailboxes. Microsoft attributed this attack to a sophisticated Chinese group code-named HAFNIUM. The first detected attempts date back to January 2021.

Orchestrate Framework Controls to Support Security Operations with Splunk SOAR

Every security team should utilize security frameworks in their strategy and tactics to help reduce risk from common cybersecurity threats. Security frameworks guide organizations on how they should develop, build, and maintain their IT security policies and procedures while sharing best practices for meeting compliance requirements. Healthcare operations in particular are often presented with increasing regulatory scrutiny and obligations that must be met in order to be competitive.

Security checklist for using cryptocurrency in online casino transactions

Cryptocurrency (crypto) transactions are solely reliant on the online space. Billions of people have access to online platforms. The autonomy provided by cryptosystems exposes users to more danger as there are no centralized authorities. Thus, expert fraudsters such as hackers may be able to access your transactions via their computer.

Vulnerability Management: Top 6 Best Practices for Developers in 2021

Companies with a presence on the internet and widespread networks are increasingly being targeted by malicious code writers. There’s ample evidence to suggest hackers and Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups routinely run campaigns trying to snare employees, contractors, etc. to steal data or hold it for ransom. Simply put, cyber threats and cyberattacks are on the rise.

Backstage integration with the Snyk API

Backstage began life as an internal project at Spotify and was released as an open-source project in 2020. Its original intention was to be a central location where the company had a registry of all software they had in production but has since evolved into a much more advanced platform, including a plugins system that helps users extend the platform. This plugin system is a significant reason for Backstages success and drove adoption within the company.

Security vs. Compliance: What's the Difference?

Security and compliance – a phrase often uttered in the same breath as if they are two sides of the same coin, two members of the same team or two great tastes that go great together. As much as I would like to see auditors, developers, and security analysts living in harmony like a delicious Reese’s cup, a recent gap analysis that I was part of reminded me that too often the peanut butter and chocolate sit alone on their own separate shelves.

Honeypods: Applying a Traditional Blue Team Technique to Kubernetes

The use of honeypots in an IT network is a well-known technique to detect bad actors within your network and gain insight into what they are doing. By exposing simulated or intentionally vulnerable applications in your network and monitoring for access, they act as a canary to notify the blue team of the intrusion and stall the attacker’s progress from reaching actual sensitive applications and data.

Deploying Elastic to further strengthen IT security at TierPoint

TierPoint is a leading provider of secure, connected data center and cloud solutions at the edge of the Internet with thousands of customers. At TierPoint, I’m responsible for maintenance and development of the information security program, which includes threat analytics, incident response, and digital forensics. We’re constantly looking for new and even more effective ways to aggregate, process, and make decisions from massive amounts of data streaming in from diverse sources.

How to Marie Kondo Your Incident Response with Case Management & Foundational Security Procedures

Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizational consultant, helps people declutter their homes in order to live happier, better lives. She once said: Similarly, in security, operational teams are constantly bogged down by a “visible mess” that inhibits their ability to effectively secure their organization.