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Can your AIOps platform do Log Noise Reduction in addition to Alert Noise Reduction? If not, it is time to re-evaluate your AIOps

One of the core value propositions of AIOps platforms is to increase IT efficiency & productivity by applying AI & ML techniques to perform Alert Noise Reduction. This in turn translates to direct cost reduction due to savings in IT man-hours. In this approach, the AIOps platform kind of becomes like a gatekeeper for all the IT alerts/events, and it can help effectively, reduce and correlate such events, so as to send meaningful incidents to NOC or Service Desk.

How to cybersecurity: Gravity is a harsh mistress

I love the boundless possibilities of modern software development. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can code. More than any other time in human history, each of us has the power to build something in software, to realize whatever we can imagine. At the same time, a thriving ecosystem of open source software components allows us to stand upon the shoulders of giants, to quickly assemble huge building blocks of existing functionality that can rocket us toward our own goals.

8 Must-Ask Questions to Consider: Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Assessment

2021 was the year of ransomware. You couldn’t watch or read the news without hearing about another business falling victim. Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that a ransomware attack took place every 11 seconds in 2021, with global damages reaching an estimated $20 billion – that is 57x more than it was in 2015. Unfortunately, the reality is that ransomware is here to stay, and every organization, regardless of industry or size, is a potential target.

Recent Examples of Zero Day Attacks & How to Avoid Them

Zero day attacks consist of almost 80% of all malware attacks. Take a look at some recent attacks and learn how to prevent them. You work hard to secure your business network. Yet determined hackers probe persistently until they find a software vulnerability you don’t know about. They use this previously unknown and unpatched flaw.

7 Best Practices for Effective Third-Party Cyber Risk Management

While the digital world provides many benefits, there are also various risks involved within the third-party risk category. Also, the category of the risks can be quite long i.e. financial, environmental, security risk and reputational. Firms are often required to open their network and share data related to the company, employees, customers etc. which puts them at significant risk of cybersecurity issues, breaches and loss of sensitive data.

Secure yourself with our digital declutter checklist

A digital declutter helps you organize your life and has the added bonus of reducing your vulnerability to common threats. But knowing where to begin can be hard – most of us leave a larger digital footprint than we realize. We’ve created a checklist to help you clear away the clutter and reap the rewards of a clean digital state.

Falcon XDR: Why You Must Start With EDR to Get XDR

Since we founded CrowdStrike, one of the things I’m proudest of is our collective ability to work with customers to lead the industry forward. Leadership is more than just being the loudest voice or making wild marketing claims. It’s about listening and working with customers to help them solve their hardest problems to achieve a common goal: stopping breaches.

Falcon XDR: Extending Detection and Response - The Right Way

This week we announced the general availability of CrowdStrike’s newest innovation, Falcon XDR, and I couldn’t be more excited. Using our same single, lightweight agent architecture, Falcon XDR enables security teams to bring in third-party data sources for a fully unified solution to rapidly and efficiently hunt and eliminate threats across multiple security domains.

Lessons learned from the Argo CD zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2022-24348)

On January 30, 2022, , the Argo CD team was contacted by researchers at Apiiro regarding a vulnerability they had discovered in the popular continuous delivery platform that could allow bad actors to steal sensitive information from deployments. The Argo CD team was able to quickly develop fixes for all three of their currently supported releases and publish them to their users within 48 hours.