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Helping users become your strongest link

In his book Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World, cybersecurity expert Bruce Schneier wrote, “People often represent the weakest link in the security chain and are chronically responsible for the failure of security systems.” That remains as true today as when the book was first published 22 years ago. It’s easy to understand why users often represent the weakest cybersecurity link within an organization.

CISO's Corner: Cyber Defense Lessons for OT and Supply Chain Infrastructure

2022 has been busy in the cyber world. While there were signals in 2021 with the increased in activity in threat actors targeting OT environments with ransomware, the conflict in Ukraine prompted many businesses to press harder in asking more questions about their own resilience with operational technologies (OT) and supply chain infrastructure.

Three reasons why Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are adopted

Company IT and security teams are facing cybersecurity challenges that increasingly test their defensive capabilities. Organizations have to protect themselves from a growing number of incidents (one attack every 39 seconds, according to the University of Maryland) and sophisticated threats, many of which have serious consequences.

SciSec Team Applies Creativity, Curiosity and Innovation to Help Security Teams Work Smarter and Protect Organizations from Threats

Today Devo announced Devo SciSec, which brings together a talented team of threat research, advanced data science, and machine learning experts under the leadership of CTO Gunter Ollmann to help our customers preemptively detect and mitigate entire classes of threats. See and hear what Gunter has to say about SciSec in this video. Even before their formal introduction, the SciSec team has been busy delivering value-added capabilities to Devo customers.

OverWatch Casts a Wide Net for Follina: Hunting Beyond the Proof of Concept

CVE-2022-30190, aka Follina, was published by @nao_sec on Twitter on May 27, 2022 — the start of Memorial Day weekend in the U.S. — highlighting once again the need for round-the-clock cybersecurity coverage. Threat hunting in particular is critical in these instances, as it provides organizations with the surge support needed to combat adversaries and thwart their objectives.

CrowdStrike Uncovers New MacOS Browser Hijacking Campaign

The CrowdStrike Content Research team recently analyzed a MacOS targeted browser hijacking campaign that modifies the user’s browsing experience to deliver ads. Research began with a variant that uses a combination of known techniques to deliver, persist and sideload a Chrome extension. Analysis of the fake Chrome installer uncovered the use of more than 40 unique dropper files to install the extension.

Brute-Force Attacks: How to Defend Against Them

When you hear the words “brute force," subtlety is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, classic brute-force cyber attacks use the most straightforward tactics—trial and error—to gain entry into a protected system. When brute force works, the attack's type, depth, and severity depend on the attacker's goals.

GoodWill Ransomware? Or Just Another Jasmin Variant?

In March 2022, researchers spotted a new ransomware family named GoodWill, with a new method to collect the ransom. Instead of requesting payment through crypto coins like other threats such as Night Sky or Hive, GoodWill requests that its victims help vulnerable people by following a sequence of steps, such as donating clothes, feeding less fortunate children, or providing financial assistance to hospital patients.

Using Rego as a generic policy language

Policies have a vital role in every organization, but can mean a lot of different things depending on the context. For our purposes, a policy refers to the principles or ideas that an organization uses to make decisions. In this post, we’ll discuss Open Policy Agent (OPA) and its rule language, Rego, highlighting how we can use them to write a simple policy for a payroll microservice.