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Guidance on network and data flow diagrams for PCI DSS compliance

This is the third blog in the series focused on PCI DSS, written by an AT&T Cybersecurity consultant. See the first blog relating to IAM and PCI DSS here. See the second blog on PCI DSS reporting details to ensure when contracting quarterly CDE tests here. PCI DSS requires that an “entity” have up to date cardholder data (CHD) flow and networking diagrams to show the networks that CHD travels over.

Unified vs API-Based Integrated XDR Platform: What's the difference?

The terms unified and integrated are often used interchangeably in the software world. However, security leaders must understand the differences between deeply unified and API-based integrated platforms within an organization and how they can significantly impact everything from cost to efficiency. First, it is essential to define the terms.

PAN Verification API for the Gaming Industry: What You Need to Know

One of the guiding principles for organisations, whether they are major corporations or small firms, is to ensure compliance. Enforcing compliance helps organisations to adhere to fraud prevention guidelines, identify rule infractions, and shield a corporation from unwarranted penalties and legal action. PAN verification is one such crucial process before onboarding consumers, clients, and third parties in order to remain compliant and within the law.

Beyond the build: Why runtime security is critical for container protection

Containers and microservices have changed the game: They allow organizations to ship apps faster and make better use of hardware. They encourage modular software design. And containers help teams embrace the cloud-native paradigms of scalability, mobility, and resilience. It’s safe to say that containers have shaken things up.

Salt Unveils Enhancements to AI Algorithms for API Security

We’re pleased to share that Salt has extended the capabilities of our powerful AI algorithms, further strengthening the threat detection and API discovery abilities of the Salt Security API Protection Platform. (Check out today’s announcement.) Here at Salt, we always look forward to the RSA Conference, but this year we are doubly excited to attend and showcase these new advanced capabilities! Salt invests significant resources into the continued innovation of our API security platform.

The Ultimate API Penetration Testing Checklist

When was the last time your organization conducted an API security assessment? And did you have the framework and resources to do so? Now more than ever, companies need to know where their APIs are vulnerable to malicious actors. Check out the API Penetration Testing checklist, which outlines how to conduct an effective API security assessment for your organization.

That Email Isn't from the New Jersey Attorney General

Earlier this month, state employees in the US state of New Jersey began receiving emails that falsely represented themselves as originating with the state’s attorney general. “At first blush, the communiques appeared to come from the state Attorney General's Office and sported a convincing domain.

Guarding Against AI-Enabled Social Engineering: Lessons from a Data Scientist's Experiment

The Verge came out with an article that got my attention. As artificial intelligence continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the potential for its misuse in the realm of information security grows in parallel. A recent experiment by data scientist Izzy Miller shows another angle. Miller managed to clone his best friends' group chat using AI, downloading 500,000 messages from a seven-year-long group chat, and training an AI language model to replicate his friends' conversations.

Where There's No Code, There's No SDLC

When developing applications, organizations rely heavily on the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to engrain security into the development process early and continuously. The SDLC lays out how to build security into early steps as developers are creating and testing applications. As such, organizations are able to embed security practices when it matters most.

Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation - Part 2

In the previous blog post, we described how the Docker research started and showed how we could gain a full privilege escalation through a vulnerability in Docker Desktop. In this follow-up blog post, we will show the other vulnerable functions we were able to exploit.