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Decoding the Expanding Acronyms in Identity and Access Management (IDAM)

In the ever-evolving world of technology, acronyms seem to multiply faster than ever before! From AI to IoT to CRM and SaaS, it cab be tricky to keep up to speed and make sense of what they all mean. One area that is no exception to this acronym explosion is Identity and Access Management (IDAM). As businesses increasingly prioritize data security and user privacy, IDAM has become a crucial component of their overall digital strategy.

Why are passwords so difficult to remember?

We all have a lot of passwords to keep track of on a daily basis, whether they’re for shopping websites, emails, social media, or the workplace. It’s practically impossible to remember login information for each of them. But without these crucial bits of data, we can’t get to where we need to go online. It is estimated that over 300 billion passwords are currently in use, which equates to around 38.4 passwords per internet user.

The Total Guide On CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)

CVSS or Common Vulnerability Scoring System is a framework that numerically characterizes the severity of software vulnerabilities between the range of 0-10. CVSS scores help infosec organizations with vulnerability management and prioritization of vulnerabilities for efficient remediation.

How to Implement KYC Solutions for Your Fantasy App: A Step-by-Step Guide

The world of fantasy gaming is expanding at an unprecedented rate. With the rise of mobile gaming and the increasing popularity of sports, it has become easier than ever to start your own fantasy gaming app. However, the growth of the industry has also led to a rise in fraudulent activities and illegal practices. As a result, KYC (Know Your Customer) solutions have become a crucial aspect of any fantasy app.

How to Detect Internet-Facing Assets for Cybersecurity

The efficacy of an organization’s cybersecurity program is proportional to the level of awareness of its attack surface. Overlooking just one internet-facing asset could establish an attack vector leading to a devastating data breach. To learn how to ensure all of your internet-facings IT assets are accounted for in your cyber risk program, read on.

How to Track All of Your Fourth-Party Cybersecurity Risks

A lack of direct communication with your fourth-party vendors makes tracking their security risks difficult. Thankfully, there are methods of overcoming this issue to help you remain informed of emerging fourth-party risks to help you easily track emerging fourth-party threats within your Fourth-Party Risk Management program. To learn how UpGuard can help you track your fourth-party risk, click here to request a free trial.

Kimco Realty's Weingarten Investors Suffer From a Serious Data Breach

Kimco Realty is a major real estate investment company based in Jericho, NY. The company specializes in developing shopping centers and helps businesses obtain the commercial real estate they need for grocery stores and other plazas. The company focuses on metropolitan locations primarily and maintains a staff of about 630 employees while generating more than $1.7 billion in annual revenue.