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How Can I Protect My Outlook Email?

If you're looking for an email service, you can find several options on the internet: from one of the oldest, Hotmail (now known as Outlook), to Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo, and many more. Today, we will explain their features and introduce some more secure alternatives to help you find the best email service. When we create an Outlook account, we have to accept certain terms and a privacy policy. The fine print that nobody reads, in which we agree to give our pesonal data and privacy to Microsoft.

12 Types of Data Breaches to Look Out For in 2024

Already in 2024, nearly 10,000 publicly disclosed global data breaches affected hundreds of millions of user records. Apple, Meta, and Twitter all succumbed to data breaches in 2024 (and numerous times in the past), providing the public and its shareholders with a stark reminder that malicious activity constantly makes user data susceptible to cybercriminal activity, no matter the platform or level of password security.

Increasing API Traffic, Proliferating Attack Activity and Lack of Maturity: Key Findings from Salt Security's 2024 State of API Security Report

The latest Salt Security State of API Security Report is out now, and we’re thrilled to give a little sneak peek of its contents. As we have done in previous years, the State of API Security Report is assembled from survey responses and empirical data from Salt customers. This report includes the special addition of the “in the wild” API vulnerability research, much like last year’s report did, to give deeper insight into API concerns in real-world situations.

Integrity and FIM: It's More than Just Data Security

Integrity is a vital component of any cybersecurity policy, making up one-third of the CIA Triad. However, until recently, the industry has had a limited understanding of the term, using it primarily in the context of data security. Integrity means so much more than this principle alone: it impacts every facet of an information system and can drive an organization's entire security program. Fundamentally, integrity ensures that no one tampers with your assets, whatever and wherever they may be.

Cybersecurity Checklist: 9 Ways to Stay Safe on Your Summer Travels

As summer approaches, many of us are eagerly planning our much-awaited vacations. Whether you're jetting off to exotic destinations or embarking on a road trip closer to home, it's important to remember that cybersecurity should be a part of your travel checklist. From safeguarding your devices to protecting your personal information, here are some easy-to-follow tips to ensure a cyber-safe summer getaway... And most importantly, enjoy your trip! Don't let cybersecurity concerns overshadow your vacation.

The Vital Role of Car Accident Lawyers

The situation in the wake of a car crash is overwhelming and disorienting. The shock of the accident and possible injuries, coupled with the labyrinthine nature of insurance claims, blankets the entirety of the situation in bleakness. However, this is where lawyers specializing in car accidents make their grand entrance. Their help is beyond valuable, working to ensure that victims are rightly served with justice and due compensation.

Black Box Security Testing - Process, Types and Techniques

With cybercrime costs projected to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, securing digital assets is more critical than ever. Black box testing in security has become a key strategy for organizations to identify vulnerabilities in software and systems proactively. This blog delves into the essential role of black box security testing in mitigating risks along with its various types and techniques.

Introducing New Investigation Features for Sysdig Secure

Cloud migration and continuous innovation provide organizations with substantial gains in speed, scalability, and cost (to name a few). Most security teams have no choice but to make the jump to the cloud, in at least some capacity, to support and protect this rapidly expanding attack surface. But organizations and security teams aren’t alone. Threat actors have been readily adapting their craft to take advantage of cloud speed.

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Part 2 - The Importance of Incident Response

The need for the Development of Online Reliable Sources (DORA) arises from the increasing concern over the spread of misinformation on the internet. DORA aims to promote fact-checking and address the detrimental effects of fake news in today's society. In recent years, the proliferation of fake news has had a profound negative impact on individuals and communities alike. False information spreads rapidly, causing confusion, division, and mistrust among people.

Considerations for Risk Rating Security Alerts

Security incidents and data breaches are the cybersecurity version of the definition of squares and rectangles in geometry. While all data breaches are security incidents, not all security incidents are data breaches. Before investigating an incident, many security teams know whether the alert will relate to a minor incident or a large-scale breach.