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What is HIPAA and How to Become Compliant

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA is a U.S. law that was enacted in 1996 to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge and is enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The purpose of HIPAA is to protect the privacy of patients’ medical information and secure the handling of health information in the age of electronic health records.

When Patching Goes Wrong: Lessons Learned from The CrowdStrike Incident

Patches are a way of life for any network administrator and are the most efficient method in place to ensure systems are running the most up-to-date and secure versions of their various software applications. For the most part, updates take place behind the scenes, with the average person only noticing a patch being installed when they are asked to reboot their machine to install the new version.

X-FILES Infostealer: Unraveling a Potent Threat to Global Cybersecurity

In the dynamic world of cyber threats, the X-FILES stealer has emerged as a particularly dangerous and sophisticated piece of malware. First discovered in March 2021, this malware gained significant attention after a second variant surfaced later that year. Known for its efficiency in targeting vulnerable systems globally, X-FILES has become a top priority for cybersecurity professionals.

Password Management for Educators

Educators create many passwords for accounts in both their personal and professional lives. Password management is crucial for educators, not only to keep track of their professional passwords but also to separate those from their personal passwords. Teachers need a reliable place to store passwords for many online accounts, applications and programs, no matter which grades or subjects they teach. Read more to learn why password management is essential for teachers.

Unveiling Top API Vulnerabilities and Emerging Trends: Introducing the Wallarm Q2 2024 API ThreatStats Report

As we move through 2024, the Wallarm Research Team continues to monitor the evolving API vulnerability and threat landscape. Our latest Q2 ThreatStats Report reveals critical trends and developments that are reshaping the security environment. Continuing from our Q1 findings, the surge in AI API vulnerabilities is not only persisting but intensifying, with an alarming increase in both the volume and severity of exploits.

A wild week in phishing, and what it means for you

Being a bad guy on the Internet is a really good business. In more than 90% of cybersecurity incidents, phishing is the root cause of the attack, and during this third week of August phishing attacks were reported against the U.S. elections, in the geopolitical conflict between the U.S., Israel, and Iran, and to cause $60M in corporate losses.

The Pros and Cons of Crowdsourced Penetration Testing - Is It Right for Your Organisation?

By Michael Aguilera, Lead Penetration Tester, Razorthorn Security Over the past decade, crowdsourced penetration testing has grown in popularity because of its convenience and cost effectiveness. However, this surge in popularity does not come without its caveats. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of crowdsourced penetration testing, compare it with traditional methods and help you make an informed decision for your organisation’s cybersecurity needs.

Black Hat 2024: AI, AI, and Everything Else

I’m back from another Black Hat! It was great seeing everyone. I put out a message on LinkedIn for people to come find me and, boy, did they. The hallway conversations were so engaging, I was sometimes late getting to the official talks, but I’m getting ahead of myself. AI was everywhere, as we’d expect, but I also sat down to listen to experts on other topics like critical infrastructure, cyber insurance, and the root causes of cybersecurity failure.

Generative AI: Workplace Innovation or Security Nightmare

The field of AI has been around for decades, but its current surge is rewriting the rules at an accelerated rate. Fuelled by increased computational power and data availability, this AI boom brings with it both opportunities and challenges. AI tools fuel innovation and growth by enabling businesses to analyse data, improve customer experiences, automate processes, and innovate products – at speed. However, as AI becomes more and more commonplace, concerns about misinformation and misuse arise.