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Threat Context monthly: Executive intelligence briefing for August 2024

Welcome to the Threat Context monthly blog series where we provide a comprehensive roundup of the most relevant cybersecurity news and threat information from KrakenLabs, Outpost24’s cyber Threat Intelligence team. Here’s what you need to know from August.

Enhancing Vulnerability Management with Threat Intelligence

The shift towards a proactive cybersecurity mindset has been steadily gaining momentum. Industry experts have emphasized the importance of best practices for implementation and the role of security orchestration. By integrating modern threat intelligence solutions into vulnerability management platforms, forward-thinking enterprises can become more proactive in their fight against cyber threats.

What is Zero Trust?

“Never trust; always verify.” That’s the philosophy that drives the Zero Trust model, and it represents a major shift from the previous motto: “Trust but verify.” As threat actors have become more sophisticated, organizations have shifted their security frameworks away from a network-centric model and toward an identity-first model. Zero Trust assumes that every attempt to access an organization’s digital assets is from a threat actor until it can be proven otherwise.

How Cybercriminals Profit from Streaming Account Theft

In recent weeks we’ve covered how criminals use bots to steal accounts across the web. Credential stuffing tools make this easy and quick to do. If you missed it, watch a live demo of the process in this webinar. In this post we’ll look in more detail at what happens next. How do criminals monetize stolen accounts? To answer this, we’ll use the example of streaming services – one of the quickest and easiest commodities for crooks to shift and make a quick profit.

From MLOps to MLOops: Exposing the Attack Surface of Machine Learning Platforms

NOTE: This research was recently presented at Black Hat USA 2024, under the title “From MLOps to MLOops – Exposing the Attack Surface of Machine Learning Platforms”. The JFrog Security Research team recently dedicated its efforts to exploring the various attacks that could be mounted on open source machine learning (MLOps) platforms used inside organizational networks.

Another Case for Cyber Resilience: A Large-Scale Extortion Campaign and Best Practices for Data Security in the Cloud

Recently, a widespread cloud extortion operation—affecting 110,000 domains and involving significant financial demands—was uncovered. Unit 42, the cybersecurity research division of Palo Alto Networks, released a report this month detailing how threat actors exploited misconfigured.env files to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, and demand ransoms after deleting cloud assets.

What Is Data Loss Prevention?

Every organization faces data security threats, which become more complex when integrating technologies like cloud computing or hybrid working options. That’s why it is critical to implement robust data protection to safeguard critical assets such as intellectual property, personally identifiable information, and sensitive financial data. This challenge is further augmented by the growing number of regulations imposed by governmental and industry bodies.