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On The Hunt for Hunters Ransomware: Origins, Victimology and TTPs

Amid the disruption of the Hive ransomware group by law enforcement agencies, Hunters International emerged onto the cyber scene in Q3 of 2023, displaying notable technical similarities with Hive, hinting at an evolutionary progression or branch-off from the dismantled group. This transition underscores the adaptive nature of cybercriminal networks, persisting in their illicit activities despite law enforcement actions.

Challenges in Automating and Scaling Remote Vulnerability Detection

When a new major CVE gets released, cybersecurity companies race to discover ways of detecting the new vulnerability and organizations scramble to determine if they are impacted or not. Developing high-confidence techniques to scan the public-facing Internet assets for newly published vulnerabilities can potentially take weeks or even months as vulnerability researchers discover and test various detection methods.

How to set up your first security program

There's no one size fits all when it comes to setting up your organization’s first security program. Each organization has a unique set of business needs, guardrails to implement, and data it needs to protect, which is why it’s important to remember that every security program is going to look a bit different. ‍ If you’re in the process of setting up your first security program, here are some steps I recommend you take and apply to your organization's unique needs. ‍

Best Practices for Protecting PII Data

Protecting PII data has never been more crucial. In today’s digital age, personal information is constantly at risk from cyber threats. Ensuring data privacy is essential for maintaining trust and compliance with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). PII means Personally Identifiable Information. It includes data that can identify someone, like their name, address, or social security number.

The Human Factor in a Tech-Driven World: Insights from the CrowdStrike Outage

The idea that people are the weakest link has been a constant topic of discussion in cybersecurity conversations for years, and this may have been the case when looking at the attack landscape of the past. But we live in a new world where artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs) and deep fake technology are changing every day.

Why You Should Encourage Your AI/LLMs to Say 'I Don't Know'

In AI and machine learning, providing accurate and timely information is crucial. However, equally important is an AI model’s ability to recognize when it doesn’t have enough information to answer a query and to gracefully decline to respond. This capability is a critical factor in maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of the entire system.

What Is Data Loss Prevention?

Every organization faces data security threats, which become more complex when integrating technologies like cloud computing or hybrid working options. That’s why it is critical to implement robust data protection to safeguard critical assets such as intellectual property, personally identifiable information, and sensitive financial data. This challenge is further augmented by the growing number of regulations imposed by governmental and industry bodies.