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Acronym Overload: From SOC to MDR and XDR

As offensive security specialists for over 10 years, we have tested countless organisations who believe their SIEM, EDR or MDR provider offers them comprehensive defense, only to find them lacking in fundamental areas. From our experience, some “traditional” in-house, yet adequately resourced, Security Operations Centres (SOCs) can still provide a robust defense, while others struggle to stay on top of emerging threats.

How To Prevent Account Takeover Attacks

An account takeover attack is a type of identity theft that occurs when a cybercriminal gains access to your online account and changes your login credentials to lock you out. Once you cannot log back in, a cybercriminal will use your identity to steal private information or even scam others. You can prevent account takeover attacks by using strong passwords, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and investing in dark web monitoring.

Common Trends in the MSP Industry

The managed service provider (MSP) landscape is experiencing rapid evolution as businesses increasingly rely on external IT support. To gain valuable insights into the industry’s current state, we interviewed Bill Hammelman of CCP Tech and Bill Hughes of Weehooey as part of the JumpCloud Partner Success Interview series. This blog post delves into common trends and challenges faced by MSPs based on their expertise.

How To Avoid Falling for Medicare Scam Calls

You can avoid falling for Medicare scam calls by blocking unknown numbers, refusing to give out your personal information to unsolicited callers and staying informed about common phone scams. Although all types of scams can be dangerous, scams involving Medicare endanger their targets by potentially compromising their health insurance and identity. Read more to learn what Medicare scam calls are, how they work, some common examples and how you can avoid falling for these scams.

How Are SMEs Approaching IT Security?

Security remains a thorny issue for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), consistently topping the list of challenges for IT professionals in JumpCloud’s biannual SME IT Trends survey. In our latest edition, IT pros shared their real-world experiences and strategies around security, among other pressing topics. This blog will dive into those insights to reveal how SMEs are tackling the security landscape today.

The Rise of the Machines and the Growing AI Identity Attack Surface

In 1968, a killer supercomputer named HAL 9000 gripped imaginations in the sci-fi thriller “2001: A Space Odyssey.” The dark side of artificial intelligence (AI) was intriguing, entertaining and completely far-fetched. Audiences were hooked, and numerous blockbusters followed, from “The Terminator” in 1984 to “The Matrix” in 1999, each exploring AI’s extreme possibilities and potential consequences.

Common Ransomware Attack Types

When it comes to cybersecurity, ransomware is probably one of the first threats you think of. It seems like it’s everywhere — and it is. Ransomware is one of the most notorious cyber threats affecting individuals, businesses, and organizations globally. The frequency and impact of these attacks have surged in recent years, making it crucial to understand their nature and how to protect against them.

What is Remote Code Execution? Types, Impact, Technique and Prevention

Remote Code Execution (RCE) is an attack technique where an attacker can execute remote code on a target system or device while smiling from ear to ear without physical access. In this attack, a hacker exploits system weaknesses such as software, operating systems, or network protocols to gain unauthorized access and execute malware onto the target system.

Three trends shaping software supply chain security today

Building software continues to look like an assembly line, with developers pulling resources from across the web to create applications. Although third-party resources have played an essential role in developing software for many years, the way that development teams use these external components looks different today.