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The Number of Email-Based Cyber Attacks Detected Surge 239% in 1H 2024

New data shows the most prevalent and obvious path into an organization – email – continues to be exploited by a growing number of cybercriminals. Email is one of those technologies that doesn’t seem willing to be replaced by collaborative tools that connect individuals and organizations – in many cases – in far more productive ways. And because of this, cybercriminals continue to leverage email to gain access to users.

A Network Defense Layer That Actually Works

Enterprises invest heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their critical assets and sensitive data. According to the Worldwide Security Spending Guide published by International Data Corporation (IDC), European security spending will grow by 12.3% in 2024, similar trajectory to the US and Asia Pacific. Despite these investments, crippling vulnerabilities continue to wreak havoc, and the costs of cyber attacks continue to soar.

What Steps Are Involved in An ISO 27001 Audit?

As the strongest and most well-recognized security certification around the world, ISO 27001 is a very popular – and very stringent – framework to adhere to. If you’re a business operating anywhere in the world, and you want to achieve security levels that build confidence and open doors with customers and clients who value trust, ISO 27001 is a great option.

Yellow Card Integrates Fireblocks to Streamline Cross-Border Transactions in Africa

Fireblocks has launched support for Yellow Card, Africa’s leading stablecoin on/off ramp, to improve cross-border transactions for both businesses and individuals. By integrating the Fireblocks digital asset infrastructure, Yellow Card seeks to remove obstacles for global corporate treasury in accessing African markets by offering secure and effective on-chain solutions.

Deceptive AI: A New Wave of Cyber Threats

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, its influence on social media has become more and more pervasive and riddled with challenges. In particular, the ability for humans to discern genuine content from AI-generated material. Our recent survey conducted with OnePoll on over 2,000 UK workers found that a substantial portion of social media users are struggling to navigate this new digital frontier.

How To Stop A DDoS Attack

On a Friday afternoon at 5 PM, you’re cruising along the backroads in your car, listening to your favorite music. You’re on vacation and making excellent time to your destination until you notice the long stream of red tail lights a few miles ahead. After sitting in standstill traffic for over an hour, you realize that highway construction created a detour to the two-lane backroad that you were using to skip the rush hour traffic.

Google Fixes Actively Exploited Chrome Vulnerability

Google has recently released an urgent security update to fix a high-severity vulnerability in its Chrome browser. This flaw, identified as CVE-2024-7971, has been actively exploited by attackers, posing a significant risk to users. The vulnerability, rooted in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, could allow remote attackers to execute harmful code via specially crafted web pages. As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is crucial for users to stay informed and ensure their browsers are up to date.

Managing the Use of Access Links in SharePoint Online

SharePoint makes collaboration and sharing exceedingly easy — which can put sensitive and regulated content at risk. Accordingly, administrators need to put guardrails in place that facilitate appropriate sharing and prevent data leakage. In SharePoint Online, the primary way for a user to grant access to resources is to share an access link with other people.

Integrating PAM with SIEM: Enhancing threat detection and response

When we think about privilege access management (PAM), we typically think about it first as preventive control. PAM solutions manage who has privileged access to systems, enforce least-privilege principles and monitor and record privileged user activity. This is crucial for preventing misuse of high-level permissions and ensuring accountability.

What Are Network Security Solutions?

Picture this, you are trying to protect a chest full of treasure and have no idea what lurks in the shadows, waiting to take it all away. Scary, isn’t it? Fear should be the same when it comes to running a network without proper security. How you’ll guard your treasure with everything you’ve got, network security solutions do the same. It protects your organization’s critical information from cyber threats.