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The Invisible Shield: Exploring the Silent Guardians of IoT Security

Effectively acting as an invisible shield, the inner workings of IoT security are often taken for granted. However, we can focus and shine a light on the protocols and practices that provide the foundation of IoT security to help others see how these efficiently operate behind the scenes to protect complex networks of interconnected devices.

2024 Cyber Resilience Research: Aligning Retail Cybersecurity with Business Priorities

New data illuminates how retail leaders can prioritize resilience. In today’s retail environment, businesses embrace dynamic computing and other technological innovations to enhance operations and customer experiences. However, as these advancements accelerate, so does the risk of cyber threats.

Block Microsoft accounts : When to block and when not

The block Microsoft accounts security setting in Windows is designed to restrict or disable the use of Microsoft accounts on a device or network. This setting can be important for companies looking to have a higher security posture through the use of local accounts only. A Microsoft account is an account created through Microsoft that enables access to a variety of Microsoft services and products, all with a single set of credentials.

Phishing Attacks Are Increasingly Targeting Social Media and Smartphone Users

Threat actors are increasingly tailoring their attacks to target social media apps and smartphone users, according to a new report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG). As email security technologies improve, scammers are turning to social media apps, text messages, and voice calls to conduct social engineering attacks.

Email Compromise Remains Top Threat Incident Type for the Third Quarter in a Row

New analysis of Q2 threats shows a consistent pattern of behavior on the part of threat actors and threat groups, providing organizations with a clear path to protect themselves. It’s every cybersecurity professionals’ worry; whether the security controls they’ve put in place will actually stop attacks.

Types of Spyware

There are several different types of spyware, such as adware, stalkerware and keyloggers. No matter what kind of spyware is installed on your device, it is frightening to have your privacy invaded and sensitive information stolen by cybercriminals. Read more to learn what spyware is, the different types of spyware and how to protect your devices from spyware.

Three Misconceptions About Dealing with a Global IT Outage

The events of Friday the 19th 2024 had a profound impact on organizations around the globe. I suppose a widespread global IT outage has a way of clarifying the mind—and IT leaders are recognizing that resilience is crucial for maintaining operations for their consumers, customers, staff, partners, and shareholders. But much of the post-mortem analysis seems to be misunderstanding key lessons from the outage.