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The Difference Between Vulnerability Assessment and Vulnerability Management

In today’s constantly evolving cybersecurity threat landscape, you have to do everything possible and then some to protect your critical data assets. Performing a vulnerability assessment and implementing a vulnerability management program can help your organization effectively deal with cybersecurity vulnerabilities. However, it’s important to understand the difference between vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management.

Free Go Module Vulnerability Scanning in Visual Studio Code

If you’re a Golang developer using Visual Studio Code, keeping at-risk Go Modules out of your apps just got easier, and for free. Today we’re announcing a new version of the JFrog extension for VS Code, available for free download. This integration brings live vulnerability information about every public Go Module you’re using directly into your source editor from the rich metadata of JFrog GoCenter.

Have you started working from home? Secure your endpoints!

Due to recent international events, there are likely millions of people in the United States and around the world who have just started working from home. There are a lot of office jobs that could move from the company’s workplace to employees’ homes-- accountants, web designers, application developers, network administrators, lawyers, clerical jobs, stock traders, data entry people, call center agents, tech support agents, and probably many other white collar roles.

CompareCamp awards ManageEngine's endpoint protection software for its great user experience

Vulnerability Manager Plus is ManageEngine’s enterprise security program that empowers system administrators with an essential set of tools for managing and mitigating threats and vulnerabilities across systems in IT infrastructure. This security solution features specialized tools that help enterprises improve their overall security posture. Some of its unique tools include its integrated patch management module, security configuration management, and prioritization of vulnerabilities.

Five things CISOs can do to make containers secure and compliant

Chances are, if you’re not already moving applications to containers and Kubernetes, you’re considering it. However, it’s likely that security and compliance implications are something you haven’t fully thought through. Addressing container security risks later in the development life cycle negatively impacts the pace of cloud adoption while simultaneously raising security and compliance risks. The use of containers and Kubernetes changes your security calculus.

RiskIQ vs. SecurityScorecard Comparison

Every week the news is full of new exposures of protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). These security incidents are not only more common but also more costly. The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million globally and third-party vendors, cyber attacks, and misconfiguration are three of the main culprits.

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Credential Access

There’s no doubt about it, attackers want your credentials more than anything, especially administrative credentials. Why burn a zero-day or risk noisy exploits when you can just log in instead? If you were to break into a house, would you rather throw a brick through a window or use a key to the front door? What is the MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework? - YouTube An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

Interplay of AIOps with ITSM Systems

ITSM systems and processes are similar to a front line defence system for Enterprises’ effort, in delivering superior customer satisfaction to its IT users. Enterprises are always looking for ways to resolve tickets as fast as possible and at an optimal cost. AIOps systems play a key role in automating data collection required for analysis , equipping support teams with insights to take immediate remediation action and eventually leading to automation of the complete process.

Introducing remediations, Python support and more...

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Why You Need a Just-in-Time Approach to Privileged Access Management

Privileged access is granted to certain users so they can perform their work. Yet admin and service accounts often are the causes of cybersecurity incidents since they allow their owners to install and remove software, modify system configurations, and more. Even with privileged access management practices in place, malicious actors can continue to find new ways to compromise your sensitive data. However, a new just-in-time PAM approach promises to improve the situation.