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COVID-19 Scam Roundup - April 27, 2020

The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) scam onslaught continues. Per Threatpost, digital attackers ramped up their activity over Q1 2020 to the extent that they were sending approximately 1.5 million coronavirus-themed attack emails by the middle of April. How can we then be surprised by ZDNet’s reporting that the number of digital crime reports received by the FBI had quadrupled in number, with many of these disclosed attacks featuring COVID-19 as a theme?

What is the Cyber Essentials Certification and How Can it Help Your Business?

According to a statistical research of the University of Portsmouth for the government of the UK, more than 80% of the cyber-attacks affecting businesses in the UK could have been prevented by the implementation of some basic security controls. To help organizations adopt good practices in information security, the UK government released a government-endorsed certification scheme called Cyber Essentials in 2014.

3 Ways an Open CDE Has Radically Improved Productivity for Innovative Construction Companies

In our previous blog, we took a detailed look at how a Common Data Environment (CDE) can provide construction teams with operational advantages that enable them to work more efficiently, save time, and reduce errors. A CDE provides a central repository for all aspects of construction content management, including storing and accessing design files, bid documents, specifications, images, videos, change orders, and markups – everything that makes up the content that defines a construction project.

5 Important Points of SIEM Evaluation Checklist

Over the past couple of years, the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution has been recognized as an effective tool in the Security Operation Center (SOC) of organizations. Whether it comes to managing the multiple tools or meeting the compliance standards, SIEM has always been playing its crucial role. However, since there is a multitude of SIEM solutions available in the IT market today, selecting the right one is an extremely important but difficult task for enterprises.

Protecting Your Assets: It's Not Just About Servers and Laptops!

In most of our blogs, we spend a TON of time going on about protecting our endpoints, looking at sysmon, checking the firewall, correlating IDS data and the like… Today, we're going to shift gears a bit and look at security from a different angle. Recently, there has been a tremendous focus on the shifting paradigm of a workforce that primarily resides in corporate offices, to a highly virtual workforce sitting at their kitchen tables.

OSINT - Using Threat Intelligence to Secure Your Organisation

In my first article on Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Analysts, (CTI analysts) we covered what a CTI analyst is and discussed how they can bridge the gaps between IT, Security, and the Business. We discussed how this is beneficial to the maturity of the business, but what exactly did we mean by this? In the second article of our CTI analyst series, we’ll cover the unique benefits a CTI analyst brings to an organization by enhancing.

New Coronavirus Flavoured Phishing Email Scams

Email scams are nothing new, just about everyone has heard of that one Nigerian Prince for example, but there is another phishing scam doing the rounds and unsurprisingly it is Coronavirus flavoured. Gmail users alone are being targeted with up to 18 million phishing email hoaxes every single day. Of course, it doesn’t end there with ‘regular’ email users – healthcare professionals are being targeted also.

Practical IT Security Guide to Protecting your People

There is that song by Baz Luhrmann, well it was actually a speech of his first that was later made it into a catchy jingle. It goes … If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now Unfortunately in securing your business, there is no Sunscreen type solution.