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Prevent and Detect Threats Across Multi-Cloud Environments

The cloud has become ubiquitous in all we do, and the line between the perimeter and the cloud continues to shrink as most enterprise organizations are looking to shift their cloud strategy to a multi-cloud approach. Moving to the cloud comes with plenty of benefits like performance optimization, improved reliability and overall cost savings, but cloud adoption is not without its risks and challenges.

SMEs and the cyber security challenge

EasyJet, CapitalOne, British Airways and Marriott are all huge companies with equally large budgets. Another thing they have in common is they all fell victim to a serious data breach, costing them hundreds of millions of pounds. If the major players with a lot of resources to devote to cyber security still get hacked, do SMEs with limited budgets stand a chance? It’s a dramatic question, so let’s explore the answer.

The value of a stolen account. A look at credential stuffing attacks.

A type of credential reuse attack known as credential stuffing has been recently observed in higher numbers towards industry verticals. Credential stuffing is the process of automated probing of and access to online services using credentials usually coming from data breaches, or bought in the criminal underground.

Executive Roundtable: 5 Key Strategies for Leading Through the Next 6 Months

The COVID-19 crisis has been a test of management and leadership. Recent weeks have seen business leaders grappling with the dramatic upheaval to normal business operations and the corresponding changes to managing people and maintaining productivity. But as companies emerge from shelter-in-place, the question of “what does it take to lead a business through the recovery phase?” is on every leader’s mind.

Types of Wireless Network Attacks

Wireless networks have become an integral part of how we conduct our businesses. They ease many processes and help us get rid of the clutter caused by hundreds of wires yet keeping wireless networks safe poses some challenges. Wireless technologies offer convenient solutions to our needs. They are practical and fast, moreover they set us free of the clutter caused by wires and cables. On the other hand, it is no secret that wireless networks are more vulnerable to attacks and intruders.

How Can You Detect an Insider Threat?

Data security is a term we’re all pretty used to hearing by now, but cybercriminals are only one part of the equation. Did you know that internal employees can also pose a threat to your business? Insider threats are caused by internal staff, employees, or partners who either wish to cause the company harm - or who simply compromise your organization’s data security through carelessness or lack of training.

Why right now is the best time to assess your cyber response to COVID-19

The initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic put cybersecurity programs to the test. While organizations quickly rolled out business continuity plans to transition workers from the office to the home and to migrate business online to keep customers and supply chains moving, cybersecurity leaders have worked to help keep the business protected from an onslaught of cyber threats designed to prey on the disruption and uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

Azure you shot an ARO through our hearts... Confidently observe and secure Azure Red Hat OpenShift with Sysdig and Arctiq

It has arrived! Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 is here and generally available; now, how do you add even more granular security and faster time to repair (MTTR) for your teams? Sysdig, that’s how!

SCP - Familiar, Simple, Insecure, and Slow

SCP? It’s that handy file-transfer feature of SSH, right? Well, not quite. It’s more of a hack. Or an undocumented, unstandardized mashup of two protocols. Let’s look at the exciting (and scary) details. Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) allows us to move files (and directories) between two computers. Using it is straightforward: This will copy local_file.txt to another computer (usually a server) with domain name remote_host into the /home directory.