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Thinking Real-Time About Real-Time Payments Fraud

Increasing payment speed and infrastructure complexity is leading to rising payment fraud rates. When it comes to the risk assessment and authentication of real-time payments transactions, the time window for analysis has shrunken to pretty much zero. Some of the challenges banks and credit unions are dealing with today include: The result of these challenges? More real-time payments fraud, mounting financial losses and new questions surfacing over who is liable for the recouping of funds.

The Pain Remains: What the 2020 Devo SOC Performance Report Tells Us

Today we published the 2020 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM. The subtitle, A Tale of Two SOCs, underscores that there are two types of security operation centers (SOC): those that are performing reasonably well and those that are struggling. As someone who has worked in cybersecurity for more than 20 years, I find the results of our second annual SOC report informative, instructive, and also extremely irritating.

Managing Cyber Threats to Operational Technology

In the fast-paced and highly commercialized world of manufacturing, better automation creates a valuable competitive edge. The physical systems leveraged in the industry, the machinery, and the manual processes have all become more automated since the first industrial revolution. Today, smart systems that leverage advanced technologies such as machine learning and integrated IoT control are creating a next-generation industrial environment often termed 4.0.

Strategies for Digital Risk Protection

No lock has ever been invented that was completely secure. If an intruder really wants to get in, they usually can find a way. And yet, most of us wouldn’t leave the door to our home, office, or automobile open or unlocked overnight. Security isn’t perfect, but it can act as a deterrent, helping to keep us and our belongings safe. The same is true in the digital realm. Cybercriminals work around the clock to infiltrate our home and business networks.

3 Steps to better cybersecurity in touchless business solutions (part 1 of 3)

The current pandemic that has upended our lives and wreaked havoc across the world have also humbled countries to a shocking degree. As borders closed, so did major sectors, industries, and businesses. Brick-and-mortar establishments had to cease operations and resume their business remotely to comply with quarantine measures. As conditions are getting better, the next challenge is for governments to restore both lives and livelihoods.

Beyond Passing the Test: Lessons from My Infosec Certification Journey

Not everything that tastes good is healthy, and not everything healthy tastes good. I think of exams as the latter. They are one way to test knowledge, and that attitude is a big part of how I survived getting certified. After taking all kinds of exams, one thing hasn’t changed – I don’t like them. I get anxious when faced with tests. I dislike the all-or-nothing of each question.

How Can You Prevent Spyware and Adware?

Businesses remain under a constant threat of being attacked by malware through a variety of different attack vectors. Malware is an abbreviation used for malicious software. Malware has been one of the most prominent threats since the very beginning of the origin of the internet and still pertains to be so. Malware is an umbrella term, and it includes virus, trojan horse, ransomware, worm, spyware, adware, etc. In this article, we will be focussing on spyware and adware.

Top 5 Data Breaches in 2020, So Far

In 2020, the chances of falling victim to data breaches are increasing. Keeping customers in the loop can be costly, time-consuming but very necessary and important to help prevent loss of personal data and decrease the risk of fraud. Cyber-attacks and data breaches can rarely be kept quiet and if the incident occurs at a high profile organisation, it’s only a matter of time before it makes the news.