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Application security automation for GitHub repositories with Snyk

Snyk provides a wide array of integrations and a pretty comprehensive API to enable you to deploy Snyk across the SDLC and monitor all the code your organization is developing. Of course – this is not always simple. At scale, ensuring Snyk is monitoring all your repositories becomes more challenging. As you grow, more code is added in the shape of new repositories. Not only that, existing repositories keep on changing.

Defining Zero Trust Data Protection

The biggest fundamental shift in the era of digital transformation is that data is no longer on a CPU that the enterprise owns. Security teams focused on cloud must invest in the right technology to achieve more complete data protection, and we all need to ensure Zero Trust principles are applied everywhere data needs protection. At Netskope, we describe this as Zero Trust Data Protection. In its simplest form, Zero Trust means: Don’t trust the things you do not need to trust.

Role of Encryption in GDPR Compliance

Encryption has been a hot topic of discussion during the implementation phase of most data privacy laws. In the age where organizations are dealing with large volumes of data each day, the protection of this sensitive data is critical. The data, which is seen as a business-critical asset for organizations, should be protected against malicious hackers looking for opportunities to steal the data.

TeamTNT: Latest TTPs targeting Kubernetes (Q1-2021)

In April 2020, MalwareHunterTeam found a number of suspicious files in an open directory and posted about them in a series of tweets. Trend Micro later confirmed that these files were part of the first cryptojacking malware by TeamTNT, a cybercrime group that specializes in attacking the cloud—typically using a malicious Docker image—and has proven itself to be both resourceful and creative.

Not knowing real time asset intelligence is a non starter

Complexity breaks correlation. Intelligence brings cohesion. This simple principle is what makes real-time asset intelligence a must-have for AIOps that is meant to diffuse complexity. To further create a context for the user, it is critical to understand service dependencies and correlate alerts across the stack to resolve incidents. CMDB systems have been useful to break down configuration items into logical layers. But, that’s not enough because they can become outdated very soon.

How To Conduct A Website Security Check

By one estimate, more than 30,000 websites get hacked every day. Viruses, malware, spam, and DDoS attacks constantly threaten your organization’s valuable information. Customers trust you to maintain website security; so how can you make sure your site is as secure as possible? Follow this website security checklist to make sure you have all your bases covered when it comes to securing your business site.

How Does Insider Threat Detection Work & Why is it Crucial?

Attaining a strong cyber security posture is a multi-layered process and includes various essential components. Among those, insider threat detection holds unignorable importance. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain a deeper understanding of what insider threat detection is. Basically, an insider threat is a security risk that’s originated within the boundaries of the organization itself. Unlike outside attacks, insider threats are mainly caused by employees.

5 Online Shopping Security Tips to Protect Your Data

Protecting yourself when paying online is very important. It’s a scary thought, but fraudsters have lots of ways to sneak in and steal credentials, bypass security and make victims of online shoppers. As we have discussed previously on this blog, criminals don’t just rely on traditional “hacks” to exploit technology. Increasingly, bad actors are using sophisticated bots to exploit business logic in order to breach security and carry out attacks.

Redscan research suggests cyber security improvements in the NHS despite COVID pressures

The scale of the challenge facing the healthcare sector, even before COVID-19, was significant. In 2020, it became even more pressing with constant reports of critical infrastructure being targeted by cybercriminals. To understand the unique challenges within the NHS, we submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to every trust in the UK.* The results, when compared with those in relation to a previous request in 2018, suggest improvements in cyber security across the NHS. Key Findings.