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A guide to combat ransomware as we continue to work from home

It's no secret that 2021 has already seen a huge surge in ransomware attacks; we've seen an increase of 64% over last year. Advancements in attack strategies and the shift to remote work are undeniably reasons for this ongoing wave. With most businesses merely testing the waters with hybrid working models, completely returning to work still seems like a far-off reality indicating that these numbers are only likely to swell even further.
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Stay on top of network threats and breaches with effective third-party patch management

In the current digital age, most enterprises turn to the use of third-party applications for every requirement, from end-user applications for productivity purposes, all the way up to more complex endpoint and Active Directory utility tools. However, with more cyber-threats being identified everyday, enterprises are increasingly aware that the installation of third-party software comes with the considerable responsibility for maintaining the system's security.
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5 Security Automation Myths Debunked

It has been argued that automation in the workplace tends to be misunderstood. Analysts are keen to point out that, despite myths to the contrary, automation isn't going to put most people out of work, for instance. Nor is AI going to become a real substitute for actual human intelligence. These are compelling arguments for rethinking the way we think about automation in general. But you can take the points further if you analyze the impact of automation on specific domains, such as cybersecurity. Indeed, automation is perhaps nowhere more misunderstood than in the realm of cybersecurity. To prove the point, here are five common myths about automation's impact on security, and why they're wrong.

What are Threat Intelligence Feeds?

Threat intelligence feeds enable organizations to stay informed about indicators of compromise (IoCs) related to various threats that could adversely affect the network. These feeds also help to inform tools like SecurityScorecard’s Security Data by providing a source of information to collect, analyze and share with customers.

What is Cyber Resilience?

Since the covid-19, the cyber incident ratio has drastically increased and shows no signs of settling down. In just one year, cyber-attacks have targeted big enterprises, government agencies of the world’s leading countries, educational institutes, non-government organisations (NGOs), and small to mid-sized businesses. It is estimated that threat actors carry out cyber attacks every 39 seconds, which is relatively faster than before.

Big Data challenges in tele-healthcare

Covid-19 pushed the boundaries of both healthcare and technology providers, and nudged people to finally embrace telehealth services. In fact, telehealth has proven to be the next frontier for the healthcare industry as it minimizes the need for in-person patient, clinic, or hospital visits which prevents overwhelming our healthcare systems. A McKinsey report shared that the use of telehealth in the US in 2021 surged 38 times compared to pre-pandemic levels.

Customer Corner: RCBC Bank CTO on Balancing Risk and Innovation

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) begun as a small development bank in the Philippines and has grown to encompass a wide range of financial services and branches in the U.S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Like any financial institution, it must comply with a host of regulations and is a prime target for malicious actors.

gRPC-web: Using gRPC in Your Front-End Application

At Torq, we use gRPC as our one and only synchronous communication protocol. Microservices communicate with each other using gRPC, our external API is exposed via gRPC and our frontend application (written using VueJS) uses the gRPC protocol to communicate with our backend services. One of the main strengths of gRPC is the community and the language support. Given some proto files, you can generate a server and a client for most programming languages.

Adopting Zero Trust and SASE as Fed and SLED Agencies Go Remote-First

The global pandemic further accelerated a trend toward remote work that was already underway, even in federal, state, and local agencies that previously resisted it. But as agencies continue to offer telework options to employees, they must also rethink their security stack to better mitigate the cybersecurity risks that remote work catalyzes. Traditional, perimeter-based approaches to security will no longer work in a cloud-first environment where data can, and is, accessed from just about anywhere.