Kubernetes’ last release for the year v1..23 will be released next week Tuesday, December 7, 2021 The Christmas edition of Kubernetes comes with 45 new enhancements to make it more mature, secure, and scalable. In this blog, we’ll focus on the critical changes grouped into the Kubernetes API, containers and infrastructure, storage, networking, and security. Let's start with the “face of Kubernetes”, which makes it scalable and expandable.
Organizations of all sizes are struggling to keep up with the increasingly complex and evolving cybersecurity landscape. Threat actors aren’t just hunting large corporations, they’re aggressively targeting small and midsize businesses, too. As networks become more porous and cyber threats rise, organizations that lack in-house security expertise will increasingly become targets of attack and their losses will grow.
For the third year in a row, WatchGuard has been honored at Channel Partner Insight’s 2021 Channel Innovation Awards. This year, Senior Vice President of Marketing Michelle Welch was named the “Security Channel Chief of Year.” This annual awards program celebrates the partners and vendors that have brought true value and innovation to the managed services market and made a real difference to their customers over the last 12 months.
Another busy month for the team at LimaCharlie. Some of the highlights include the introduction of a new sensor type and our SOC 2 Type 2 certification. I will also take this opportunity to invite you to our first ever dev stream. Join the team at LimaCharlie for an interactive living room style discussion about all that has happened in the last year. Meet the team, learn about new features and the thinking behind them, as well as getting a glimpse of what is coming.
The new year is approaching, and recapping the features and enhancements ADSelfService Plus realized in 2021 is fitting. The integrated self-service password management and multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution for Active Directory and cloud applications added many exciting new features and enhancements. In 2020, the major features released by ADSelfService Plus, like MFA for VPN and conditional access, focused on tackling the security issues that arose with the shift to remote work.
We just open sourced our Kubernetes controller for the Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS). If you are interested in managing OPAs via Styra DAS via Kubernetes, read on.
Several of the digital twin technologies out there have grown fast in only a few years. Picture establishing a virtual model of IT infrastructure where one can identify loopholes, create attack scenarios, and prevent catastrophic attacks before the system is officially put in place. Using digital twins, it's no longer a silly idea for organizations to follow. Let's get knowledge of Digital Twin technology and how it can help to assess the loopholes in your security posture.