Snyk Ambassadors are passionate about sharing their security expertise. Become one today by signing up! In the shipping industry, the container format follows ISO 668, a standard format that regulates the safe stacking of containers. Imagine your applications with multiple containers, running different applications, serving different purposes for people all over the world.
Over the last few years, supply chain attacks have increased in number and sophistication. As companies accelerate their digital transformation strategies, managing third and fourth-party risk and a complete look into their security posture becomes more important to securing data and meeting mission-critical compliance requirements. According to one survey, 60% of security leaders plan to deploy supply chain security measures in 2022.
Lookout and VMware recently announced the debut of Workspace ONE Mobile Threat Defense (MTD), a new mobile security solution incorporating Lookout mobile protection technologies. Through this partnership with VMware, Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security is built in and can be activated seamlessly within Workspace ONE. This new solution is an extension of past integrations of Lookout with the Workspace ONE Trust Network.
In Part 1 of this series, we reviewed the first four sections of the new PCI standards. As we continue our examination of PCI DSS version 4.0, we will consider what organizations will need to do in order to successfully transition and satisfy this update.
Many technology professionals have experienced the sense of frustration that occurs when multiple tools in their environment do not play nicely with each other. When technology leaders are making decisions about bringing new tools into their environment, they should be thinking about more than whether the platform is just a shiny new object that adds a new capability to their team.
The software supply chain indicates the formal workflow of how your software moves through the coding stages done by the developers to the final packages for the end-users. When an attacker breaks in between the process and modifies the source code with malicious ones, it is known as an attack on the software supply chain. Software supply chain attacks are challenging to discover and mitigate if you do not have the proper verification and trail-tracking system, especially for large industries.