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Managing Foreign Government Information (FGI) on a Network

If you’re a firm that works with foreign governments, in addition to certifications like ISO 27001 that you will generally need to achieve, you will also have to have processes in place for handling foreign government information or FGI. It’s not enough that your internal network is classified and access controlled; you need specific handling processes and procedures for managing FGI separately from other confidential or classified data you may have.

Emerging AI Use Cases in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Overview

The integration of AI, especially Gen AI, into healthcare has been transforming the industry, enabling providers to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Below is an overview of the most promising AI use cases in healthcare that are reshaping the industry.

Streamlining Security Documentation for London SMEs

Security documentation is a huge concern for small and medium businesses in London due to the rapidly changing business environment. As these companies start doing more things online, security documentation is not an option but a dire need. With good security documentation, you will be able to protect all the vital information and compliance requirements. How can your business be managed effectively? Let's have a look at the essentials.

The states of data, Part 4: Securing data in motion through treacherous transits

In our previous blog, Data in use and why you need to keep an eye on file activities, we discussed why you should monitor how your data is being used, threats to data in use, and how you can protect it. But, when your data is on the move, you need other security capabilities to secure it. In this blog, we’ll explore data in motion. Gone are the days when you’d simply store your data in your local database and share it with peers when required.

How to Detect Threats to AI Systems with MITRE ATLAS Framework

Cyber threats against AI systems are on the rise, and today’s AI developers need a robust approach to securing AI applications that address the unique vulnerabilities and attack patterns associated with AI systems and ML models deployed in production environments. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at two specific tools that AI developers can use to help detect cyber threats against AI systems.

Teleport delivers "crown jewel observability" with access control monitoring for critical infrastructure resources

New updates to Teleport Policy enable security professionals to cut through the noise of alert fatigue, with "Crown Jewel" tagging and monitoring for access variances in critical resources.