Cyber innovation and digital transformation are moving at increasing speeds. With the shift to cloud-based software and assets, SaaS (software-as-a-service) applications, and the need for remote working, businesses are changing the way they approach risk management and the security of their digital assets.
By default, when you create a new Internet Information Services (IIS) website, it’s open to everyone with anonymous access enabled — anyone can access and view the data being hosted by that site. Obviously, this is a security concern for most organizations. Indeed, I’m often asked by clients and colleagues how to lock down an IIS site so only the desired people can access it.
Arguably the biggest challenge facing the cyber security industry today is the shortage of skilled professionals. The worldwide skills gap is much reported and debated, with many organisations feeling the strain of not enough viable candidates to fill their vacant positions in an area that is seeing significant expansion in many organisations who are rightly beginning to take cyber security seriously.
Every individual possesses distinguishing qualities that are exclusive to them and nobody else. Our biometrics consist of things like our voice, fingerprints, and facial patterns. The method of identifying people using these distinctive traits is known as biometric verification or in some cases where facial biometrics are used, it is called Face Match. In a digital setting, Face Match Online aids in addressing the “who are you?” question.
In the cybersecurity profession, some names stick out among the great creators and contributors. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Richard Benham about the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Professor Richard Benham is known globally as a pioneer in the world of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Warfare.
A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Ouch! A breach which according to some is being down played. Not a great impression.
Security and observability data go hand in hand when it comes to application health. If you can put those two sources of data behind a single pane of glass you can make your life a lot easier. By leveraging the different options that the Snyk platform provides, you can send all your application security vulnerabilities found by Snyk directly to your New Relic observability platform. Let’s see how!
Multiple reports in the media, including in Bloomberg US Edition, allege that Russian-associated cybercrime group Killnet is responsible for a series of distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks during the week of October 6 that took several state government and other websites offline. While most of the websites were restored within 48 hours, these volumetric attacks can leave even the most secure sites paralyzed and susceptible to further damage.
In today’s fast-moving and competitive marketplace, you can barely find any businesses and merchants that still haven’t adopted the use of credit cards for their services. More than a third of American cardholders use credit cards for their transactions on a monthly basis. With the rising prevalence of identity theft, over 1.1 billion personal records were exposed by data breaches and credit card fraud alone.