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Move to Stronger Resilience as an MSP with a Business-Grade MFA

In today’s business climate, more companies are looking for ways to enable their employees to work remotely. While this can certainly have its benefits, it also presents a unique set of challenges – not the least of which is how to keep your data secure. That’s where multi-factor authentication (MFA) comes in.

How Manufacturing Companies can Safeguard Software and Assure Robust Quality and Compliance

Although application security and compliance are relatively modern concerns, they impact every industry that uses technology, even traditional industry sectors such as manufacturing. Most manufacturers that do business on a large scale have embraced technology as a necessary business component in the digital economy. Many manufacturers have built heavily integrated functions across the entire manufacturing process, as well as tying in related areas such as operations and logistics.

APIs: Risks and security solutions

APIs have become a vital part of doing business. Organizations increasingly rely on the use of APIs for day-to-day workflows, particularly as cloud applications become something of a mainstay. A recent report found that the average number of APIs per company increased by 221% in 2021. Not only are APIs impossible to ignore, but the need to invest in API security cannot be overlooked. The trend in usage is closely followed by opportunists seeking ways to exploit vulnerabilities for their gain.

Key to reducing cybersecurity risk: search-powered technology

Global survey shows cybersecurity was the top business priority for organizations that use tools that enable the search of data across multiple sources It’s time to re-evaluate how we define the term “search.” Today, search has far broader applications than those of a standard search engine query. That’s especially true when it comes to cybersecurity.

Retaliation by the Pro-Russian Group KillNet

At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, KillNet - a Russian cybergang - began actively collecting open-source intelligence (OSINT), which drew interest from various threat actor groups. Heightened interest in the OSINT data led to additional actors joining , growing its membership to include not only Russian cyber criminals, but uniting other cyber gangs sympathetic to Russia.

Trustwave Government Solutions Applauds CISA's Strategic Plan's Emphasis on Collaborating with the Private Sector

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) has released their 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, its first comprehensive strategic plan since the agency was created four years ago. “This is an important step in planning and preparing to combat the evolving cyber threats,” said Bill Rucker, president of Trustwave Government Solutions (TGS). “I appreciate the emphasis on working with the private sector in the plan.

FBI warns of criminals attacking healthcare payment processors

Millions of dollars have been stolen from healthcare companies after fraudsters gained access to customer accounts and redirected payments. In a newly-published advisory directed at the healthcare payment industry, the FBI warns that cybercriminals are using a cocktail of publicly-available Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and social engineering techniques to impersonate victims and obtain access to files, healthcare portals, payment information, and websites.