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Top Phishing and Social Media Threats: Key Findings from the Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report

In today’s online landscape, it is crucial for organizations to stay on top of the threats that put their enterprises at risk. Agari and PhishLabs have put together their Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report detailing their analysis of phishing and social media attacks this quarter. The report presents statistics regarding the volume of attacks, the tactics used by cybercriminals, and the main targets of these attacks, documenting the changes since last quarter.

What Does Triage Mean in Cybersecurity?

In cybersecurity, triage is a cyber incident response approach to identifying, prioritizing, and resolving cybersecurity attacks, threats, and damages within a network. When simultaneous and multiple attacks occur, an IT security team must prioritize which system or device to assess in order to mitigate, remediate, and salvage important devices and data from further damage.

Cybersecurity Grant Program and 16 Required Elements

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on September 16, 2022 announced a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity grant program specifically for state, local, and territorial (SLT) governments across the country with funding in the amount of $200 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, $400 million for FY 2023, $300 million for FY 2024, and $100 million for FY 2025.

What is OAuth? A Complete Explanation

‍OAuth (pronounced "oh-auth”) is an authorization framework that allows an application to request “secure delegated access” to third-party systems on behalf of the apps’ users or the “resource owner.” Simply put, with OAuth, users can grant websites and applications access to their information on other websites without providing important credentials like passwords. OAuth stands for "Open Authorization”.

How to Integrate NDAs into the Vendor Risk Management Process

During the Vendor Risk Management process, information is in constant flux. From risk assessments to risk remediation processes, communication involving sensitive security control data continuously flows between an organization and its monitored vendors. If intercepted, this information stream could be used as open source intelligence for a third-party data breach campaign, nullifying the very efforts a VRM program is trying to mitigate.

Uber Investigating Alleged Breach of Critical SaaS and Cloud Security Systems

On Thursday evening, around 6:25 PM, Uber announced that it was responding to a cybersecurity incident. While Uber hasn’t gone into details about what happened, the purported threat actor has openly corresponded with several security professionals, including Sam Curry at Yuga Labs, Corben Leo at and The New York Times. According to both Curry and Leo, multiple systems were impacted.