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Unlock the Power of Automation: Vulnerability Management

We’ve spoken extensively about the importance of taking a data-driven approach to Vulnerability Management. In short the efficiency and effectiveness of vulnerability management processes depend heavily on inclusion of threat intelligence for both prioritization and response activities. At any given time, only a small fraction of existing vulnerabilities are actively exploited or exploitable.

What Are JWTs?

JSON web tokens (JWTs) are an open standard for securely transmitting data as a JSON object between parties in a compact and self-contained format. Knowledge of JWTs is important because most modern systems and tools use them for secure, efficient and scalable authorization. Knowing about JWTs will also help you understand how third-party integrations with other software work.

How the Parkinson's Foundation Stays Secure With a Small IT Staff

At the Parkinson’s Foundation, we believe data security is a team sport, which is why we rely on everybody in our organization to follow best practices for protecting our content. Like most organizations, we have several layers of sensitive content, including some of our accounting and marketing files.

How To Create A Cloud Security Policy [+ FREE Template]

By one estimate, 60% of all corporate data is stored in the cloud. Businesses rely on cloud platforms like Slack, Google Drive, GitHub and Confluence to store data, share information, and run smoothly. Unfortunately, hosting all this information in one place provides an appealing target for hackers. Cloud programs are often vulnerable to data hacks, leaks, and insider threats.

Your Guide to the Latest Email Fraud and Identity Deception Trends

There’s a high chance that you or someone you know has been impacted by email fraud or identity theft. At the very least, you’ve likely received a variety of spam emails and text messages asking to provide a payment or confirm your identity. The good news is that cybersecurity protection is constantly evolving and improving, with cybersecurity education programs preparing skilled professionals to enter the front lines against cybercrime.

The EU Cyber Resilience Act - Thinking Out Implementation

From TVs to watches, fridges, lightbulbs, or coffee machines, it seems everything needs to be connected now to be marketable. The Internet of Things (IoT) environment is growing in homes and workplaces, but it has established itself way ahead of regulation. IoT devices do not currently have to comply with any specific cybersecurity standards and malicious actors are already making use of these endpoints.

6 Developer Personas Every Security Practitioner Needs to Understand

When it comes to engaging developers for a successful application security program, it is helpful to understand the types of developers you are working with. While of course each developer is a unique individual, there are some common personas I have come across in my work with development teams. In fact, as a developer in prior jobs, I have embodied some of these traits myself. Let’s dive in.

DDoS Attack Cost Nearly $12 Million- How to Protect Your Site Against One?

Recent years have witnessed a sharp surge in DDoS attacks, and the cost of attack is also steadily increasing. SMEs spend, on average, $120k per attack. As more and more businesses move to the cloud, it is essential to be aware of the risks associated with DDoS attacks. The cost of DDoS attacks can affect your company’s bottom line as it can shut down its infrastructure, applications, communications, and other vital services.

Sedara Named to MSSP Alert's Top 250 MSSPs List for 2022

The list and research identify and honor the top MSSPs (managed security service providers) worldwide. The rankings are based on MSSP Alert’s 2022 readership survey combined with the site’s editorial coverage of MSSP, MDR and MSP security providers. The sixth-annual list and research track the MSSP market’s ongoing growth and evolution.