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SBOM: What's in your software ingredients list?

With an average of 500 components in an application, it’s difficult to know what’s in your software. The right security tools and expertise are here to help. A software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an inventory of what makes up a software application: the “ingredients list” of everything in it. There’s pressure today for companies to make SBOM information available, and it has implications for who is liable when there are issues in the software.

What are the requirements to obtain an OV or EV Code Signing Certificate?

OV stands for Organization Validation, and EV stands for Extended Validation. To obtain these certificates, developers, development companies, and publishers have to fulfill a basic set of requirements. This includes furnishing the required documents, including physical address proof, telephone number, and legal documents of company creation. In addition to this, depending on the type of code signing certificate you need, the requirements can change further.

How to Fuzz Java with CI Fuzz CLI

All software has bugs, and some can be difficult to find or reproduce. However, not all approaches to bug-finding need to be difficult to use! Fuzzing is an undeniably effective approach to finding security issues and bugs in software projects, however, tools can be complex to set up and execute. CI Fuzz CLI (open-source), automates the parts that make fuzzing complex, giving its users the look and feel of a unit test.

Tripwire Enterprise Use Cases: Advanced Control

During my time as a cybersecurity admin, I had the authority to decide what was going to be done, but I didn’t have the access to configure or install my own software. To make matters worse, despite having authority over the implementation, I was also held accountable for failures but again, without the necessary access to fix issues. This created a lot of tension between myself and the teams I relied upon to handle implementation details.

So You Want to Achieve NERC CIP-013-1 Compliance...

As the world is preparing for the winter of 2022, energy efficiency and availability becomes a major concern for all countries and governments. The electric grid is a vital sector, and any malfunctions will create ripple effects on any nation’s economy. As the grid is heavily dependent on cyber-enabled technologies and a vast chain of suppliers, contractors and partners, the ability to safeguard the availability and reliability of the grid is crucial.

Finding Abusable Active Directory Permissions with BloodHound

BloodHound is a powerful tool that identifies vulnerabilities in Active Directory (AD). Cybercriminals abuse this tool to visualize chains of abusable Active Directory permissions that can enable them to gain elevated rights, including membership in the powerful Domain Admin group. This guide is designed to help penetration testers use BloodHound to identify these vulnerabilities first, so enterprises can thwart attacks.

Locating Service Accounts to Facilitate Management and Cleanup

This post explains how to collect detailed lists of your Active Directory service accounts so you can implement proper governance to reduce your attack surface area. Specifically, it details how to enumerate service accounts used by the following: This will enable you to identify a significant portion of your service accounts. However, note that service accounts can also be used in virtual directories, authentication settings, etc.

The Modern Data Repository: Understanding Your Options

Today, organizations have a variety of options for storing the data they generate, collect and use. Options for data repositories include: Choosing the best option for a given business situation depends on a variety of factors, including the needs of your user base, the skills of your DBAs and other database resources, the reporting and analysis requirements for business decisions, and whether you are storing structured or unstructured data.