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How StoryChief's CTO uses Aikido Security to sleep better at night

Losing sleep imagining bad actors infiltrating your awesome new startup’s code? Not anymore! Aikido Security has designed startup security to be affordable, efficient, and fill the needs of CTOs. Let’s have a look at how Aikido transformed StoryChief’s security posture.

Get Management Buy-in with AppSec Metrics

Getting management to back your application security plans can be a tough sell. Metrics are vital because they help you understand how effective your initial cybersecurity measures are and how to turn them into measurable data that's easy for everyone to understand. This article will explore how to use metrics to get the support you need and make your application security programs more effective.

New ESG Research Report Outlines Best Practices for Effective Application Security Programs

New research from TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) has identified that organizations’ application security programs struggle to keep up with the pace of software development, and it reveals best practices to secure modern software applications.

Thought your Node.js latest Docker image was safe?

For all developers who run containerized JavaScript workloads in production: Is relying on node:latest as your base image a safe choice? It's effective from a developer productivity standpoint as you're up and running quickly. Have you ever wondered if the image is secure? This blog post examines the potential security implications of using node:latest as your base image.

Web Application Security: 5 Security Tips for Software Engineers

As a software engineer in a cloud-native world, you’re the first line of defense in web application security. Armed with a few best practices that have a huge impact, securing both the code you create and the code you compile can be simple. Here are five tips that make your role easier in protecting data with secure development.

Does AI lead to AppSec hell or nirvana?

The use of artificial intelligence in every area of life — from writing papers to maintaining critical infrastructure to manufacturing goods — is a controversial topic. Some are excited about the possibilities that come with AI/ML tech, while others are fearful and reticent. These differing opinions raise a fundamental question: will AI turn our modern-day society into a utopia or a dystopia?

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AI Remediation: A massive time-saver

One of the biggest challenges that application security engineers are facing is the large amount of false positives from security scanners. False positives are results that indicate a vulnerability where there is none, or where the risk is negligible. Triaging these false positives wastes a lot of time.