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Strengthening the Shield: Best Practices for Application Security

In an ever-evolving threat landscape, safeguarding the integrity of applications is a real concern. The consequences of a single security breach can be devastating, leading to data links, financial losses, and irreparable damage to a company’s reputation. Organizations across industries must equip themselves with reasonable defense mechanisms to fortify their applications against malicious actors. Launches AppSec Risk Assessment Program

At, we’re always looking for ways to help organizations understand their application security risk. This week, we’re proud to announce a new initiative designed to make it easier than ever for organizations to visualize and remediate their biggest sources of risk: the AppSec Risk Assessment Program.

Get It Right First Time with a Comprehensive Approach to Application Security

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring robust application security is paramount for organizations. With the emergence of AI-powered attacks and other sophisticated threats, it is crucial to integrate comprehensive Application Security Testing (AST) into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

Application Security in the Era of AI-driven Attacks

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of application security cannot be overstated, as businesses worldwide face evolving cyber threats. Both defenders and attackers are now harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to their advantage. As AI-driven attacks become increasingly sophisticated, it is crucial for organizations to adopt a comprehensive approach to application security that effectively addresses this emerging threat landscape.

Five Leadership Tips to Set Up Your Business for AppSec Success

In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security of your applications is of paramount importance. AppSec, short for Application Security, involves safeguarding your software applications against potential threats and vulnerabilities. While implementing robust AppSec practices is crucial, effective leadership plays a vital role in setting up your business for AppSec success.

Snyk welcomes Enso: Enabling security leaders to scale their AppSec program with ASPM

As we approach the second half of 2023, both security and development teams are seeing seismic shifts in the application security world. AI is powering a productivity revolution in development, enabling developers of all types (and even non-developers) to introduce code faster than ever. Meanwhile, it’s more difficult than ever for developers and AppSec professionals to identify and prioritize true risk to the business.

The Importance of Adopting Modern AppSec Practices

Security is an increasingly critical aspect of application development. As the volume of applications rapidly expands, so does the volume of source code, components, and dependencies used to create them. With them comes a growth in the potential attack surface and an escalation in the variety of threats to your application security.