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What is a POAM and How Is It Used for CMMC Compliance?

Whether you’re a long-time cloud services provider or services business looking into dipping your toes into government contracts, or a new startup aiming to become a government services business, you’re likely encountering a dense wall of acronyms, paperwork, auditing, and standards that stymies your business growth.

TrustCloud Product Updates: November 2023

Our team has been hard at work creating updates and new features just for you, see what we’ve been up to over the last month. Free up your workflow with programmatic vendor assessments Now in Beta Release, TrustCloud Third Party Risk Assessments help you verify that your vendors meet your control requirements without bogging down your workflow. Learn more.

Navigating the Path to Continuous PCI Compliance and Security Validation with Breach and Attack Simulation

The first deadline for compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Version 4.0 is March 31, 2024. If your v4.0 compliance initiative is not already underway, it should be a major priority over the next 2–3 quarters.

ATO Process: What is an Authority to Operate in Cybersecurity?

When a business works with the general public, there’s a certain level of risk inherent in the process. We see it time and time again, with companies subject to data breaches and the loss of public information, like what happened to Target in 2013, Equifax in 2017, 23andMe in 2023, and many, many more. While there are security standards in place for private corporations, enforcement is slim, and violations tend to be retroactively applied.

Cyber Regulations in the EU: 5 Proven Strategies for Compliance

The emergence of cyber risk regulations like DORA, NIS2, and PS21/3 signals an imperative need for resilience. In a world where digital disruptions can cripple nations and economies, the industry needed a shift from reactive defence to proactive fortification. CISOs that demonstrate strong cybersecurity leadership, aligning with broader business objectives and proving a positive impact on the organization's bottom line, are better positioned to build trust with stakeholders and minimize cyber risks.

Navigating the Waters of Change: A Risk Expert's Roadmap for NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation Compliance

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, change is not only constant but crucial. The New York Department of Financial Services (NY-DFS) demonstrated that principle on Nov. 1, 2023, when it completed a sweeping set of updates to its cybersecurity regulation. If you find yourself apprehensive about these changes, fret not — I’m here to guide you through the process and to provide a comprehensive plan for successfully meeting the new regulations.

Efficiency Unleashed: Collaborative Solution Discovery by Artelogic

In the world of technology, there is great potential for innovation. While this can be a good thing, it can also cause confusion and uncertainty if the proper systems aren't in place. Collaborative Solution Discovery is one way to mitigate those issues and allow you to move forward with confidence in your implementation of new technologies.

Enterprise Software Security: Challenges and Best Practices

In an age where digital information is critical, enterprise software security is more important than ever. As organizations increasingly rely on complex software systems to manage their operations, the risks and vulnerabilities associated with these systems are growing. This article examines the key challenges in enterprise software security and outlines best practices for mitigating these risks.

PCI Compliance Levels: A Developer's Guide to PCI Compliance

Compliance is something that developers dislike. Traditionally led by risk and information security teams, compliance standard enforcement in organizations is not something software engineers are trained to do. So when the words “PCI compliance” are tossed around, for many developers it mentally translates to limitations, guardrails, bottlenecks, and drastic changes to their workflows that impact productivity. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

What is FFIEC Compliance?

As financial institutions navigate the ever-evolving challenges of cybersecurity, understanding and implementing the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) compliance becomes paramount. Here, we aim to be your guide, providing valuable information and practical hardening tips to help financial institutions not only meet but exceed FFIEC compliance standards. This blog will discuss.