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The Most Important Security Metrics to Maintain Compliance: Best Practices for Prioritizing Cyber Resilience

With the recent surge of high-profile data breaches, supply chain vulnerabilities (SolarWinds, Log4j, and MOVEit, most notably), and targeted cyberattacks, the digital world is becoming increasingly precarious. At the same time, consumers are increasingly sharing sensitive data with companies in exchange for convenience and efficiency. For these reasons, organizations have a growing responsibility to not only avoid breaches, but safeguard their users’ data.

Ultimate List of Cybersecurity Regulations by Industry

Cybersecurity is becoming a critical concern as various industries depend on digital infrastructure. To protect sensitive information from cyber threats, governments worldwide have introduced cybersecurity regulations for specific sectors that help secure digital ecosystems and prevent cyber attacks. Understanding the specific regulations for your organization’s industry is essential for risk management.

How Compliance Risk Management Software Can Benefit Your Organization

In an era where regulatory frameworks are continuously evolving, and the cost of non-compliance is higher than ever, organizations are increasingly turning to compliance risk management software. Such tools not only streamline the process of adhering to legal and ethical standards but also safeguard against the financial and reputational damages of non-compliance.

Top 3 Office 365 Backup solutions for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern business operations, data plays a pivotal role in driving productivity and decision-making. As organizations increasingly rely on Microsoft Office 365 for their collaborative and communication needs, the importance of securing and preserving this data has never been more critical.

SSP and CMMC: Why You Need a SSP for Compliance

Compliance with federal cybersecurity guidelines is three things: It’s also a very complex set of rules, guidelines, and standards that address everything from the physical security of your servers and network access to the training your employees receive. On top of that, it’s packed full of acronyms and definitions, all of which have specific meaning. SSP is one of them; it’s a critical document you need to win contracts with the government and is part of the CMMC.

The FedRAMP Impact Levels Explained: Low, Moderate, High

Navigating the federal government’s cybersecurity standards and processes is not easy. Figuring out how to comply with all of the various standards and controls is a lengthy process involving thorough auditing and analysis Mediaof your entire organization from top to bottom. When government contracts and sensitive information is at stake, though, it’s all taken very seriously. Today, we’ll talk about the FedRAMP impact levels and explain each one.

5 Best Practices to Prepare for NIS2 Compliance

Organizations must always be aware of the constantly changing compliance landscape to protect their sensitive assets and avoid paying millions in fines. The rapid development of cyber threats fueled by the global pandemic and cyberwarfare have forced the European Union (EU) to update its NIS Directive. We understand the pain of having to read hundreds of requirements and legislation documents, so we’ve done it for you.

The Challenges for License Compliance and Copyright with AI

So you want to use AI-generated code in your software or maybe your developers already are using it. Is it too risky? Large language model technology is progressing at rapid speeds, and policy makers are ill-equipped to catch up quickly. Anything resembling legal clarity may take years to come about. Some organizations are deciding not to use AI at all for code generation, while others are using it cautiously — but everyone has questions.