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Leaders Embrace New SEC Cybersecurity Regulations

On July 26, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to adopt new cybersecurity requirements for publicly traded companies, creating new obligations for reporting “material” cybersecurity incidents and requiring more detailed disclosure of cybersecurity risk management, expertise, and governance. Companies will be required to disclose risks in their annual reports beginning on December 15, 2023.

Common Types of Network Vulnerabilities for Businesses

Network vulnerabilities can leave an organization’s entire IT environment compromised. Sensitive data can be lost or (even worse) stolen by cybercriminals. A data breach can severely harm your company’s reputation and bring substantial financial losses. Worse, these vulnerabilities are constantly evolving. Hackers have proven methods to infiltrate a seemingly secure network, and they employ various tricks, devices, and information to get the job done.

How to Navigate the Maze of State Data Privacy Laws

Data privacy has become a paramount concern in the digital age, as organizations collect and process vast amounts of personal information. As a result, governments are increasingly enacting data privacy laws. While the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a global benchmark for data protection, the United States lacks a comprehensive federal data privacy law. Instead, businesses operating in the U.S.

5 Insights to Planning for a More Cybersecure World

SecurityScorecard recently joined the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity and UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) for a private, invite-only workshop in Washington, DC alongside global leaders, CEOs, and CISOs to identify trends and insights that will most likely impact cybersecurity in the next decade of 2030 via future-focused scenarios with emerging cybersecurity challenges.

Cyber Security Behaviours: Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action

Awareness of potential threats is merely the first step; true change is brought about when secure practices become habitual through consistent reinforcement. The focus on cyber security behaviours is pivotal, as it converts theoretical knowledge into routine action. This ensures that employees not only understand the nuances of the threat landscape but also possess the capability to respond effectively during a genuine cyber attack.

What Are the Types of Audit Evidence?

The collection and evaluation of audit evidence plays an important role in assessing an organization’s compliance with established standards. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) serves as a guiding force, establishing methods that auditors should use to carry out their duties effectively. As auditors start their examination, they first collect and analyze various types of audit evidence, each serving as a piece of the puzzle that forms the auditor’s report.

Cyber Security Awareness Platform

Welcome to CultureAI! We're here to help you upgrade to a data-driven, human risk management approach. This is not just about understanding security but creating an environment where employees actively prevent security incidents. Our cyber security awareness platform is trusted by organisations of all sizes. It brings to light employee security behaviour data, driving personalised security coaching, technical interventions, and security nudges.

New research reveals rapid remediation of MOVEit Transfer vulnerabilities

The recent discovery of a critical vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer software is the latest driver in a series of high-profile software supply chain incidents. On May 31st 2023, Progress – the developer of MOVEit – published an advisory alerting the community to a critical vulnerability in its MOVEit Transfer product. The vulnerability, now tracked as CVE-2023-34362, allows an attacker to gain access to MOVEit’s database to steal and/or alter the contents.

Mitigating Risks for Forex Brokers

Managing risk is a paramount concern for Forex brokers. MetaTrader 4 and 5 platforms offer a robust suite of risk management tools that enable brokers to protect themselves and their clients from potential losses. In this article, we will explore the key risk management features and functionalities of MT4 and MT and discuss how brokers can effectively utilize them to mitigate risks and ensure a secure trading environment.

Diligent and Bitsight Partner to Increase Board Confidence in Cyber Risk Oversight

Today, Bitsight and Diligent launched an extension of our partnership focused on correlated, independent, and comparable cyber ratings from Bitsight within Diligent’s Board Reporting for IT Risk. Streamlined data collection and standardized dashboards enable CISOs to deliver clear and consistent insights to the board leveraging Bitsight and Diligent solutions.