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The Beatings Ransoms Will Continue Until Morale Culture Improves

As we near the halfway point of 2024, it is apparent that the epidemic of extortionary cyber attacks will continue unabated into the foreseeable future. Now more than ever, I believe that until organizations adopt cultural approaches to cybersecurity, breaches will continue to wreak havoc on companies and industries. But why is this? There are far too many reasons to enumerate here, but in my experience the biggest factors are.

Here, There, Ransomware: The Surge of New Ransomware Groups

From late 2023 and into 2024, the ransomware ecosystem has become more diverse than ever, with an ever-expanding cast of extortion groups. Established players continue to compromise large companies globally, while smaller, newer groups are breaking into the scene with increasing frequency. From January to mid-May 2024 alone, 22 new ransomware groups emerged. In comparison, only 22 groups emerged during the entire two-and-a-half-year period between January 2018 and August 2020.

Enterprise Cybersecurity: A Guide to Ransomware Recovery

Believing that your organization is immune to ransomware is wishful thinking at best. Despite advancements in enterprise cybersecurity, the reality is that breaches are not a matter of if but when. Even the most sophisticated preventative measures can be circumvented by determined and resourceful cybercriminals, whose methods are constantly evolving. The fallout from a successful ransomware attack can be catastrophic.

Trojan Warning: Malware Identified in VAHAN PARIVAHAN.apk

The Foresiet Threat Intelligence Team has recently conducted an in-depth analysis of an Android malware Trojan masquerading as the "VAHAN PARIVAHAN.apk" application. This trojan poses a significant threat to users by leveraging a backdoor, utilizing the Telegram API bot, and exploiting the services of LLC and Mark Monitor Inc. In this blog, we delve into the specifics of this malware, including its technical details, behavior, and potential impact on users.

ShrinkLocker: Turning BitLocker into Ransomware

Attackers are continually developing sophisticated techniques to bypass defensive measures and achieve their goals. One highly effective approach involves exploiting the operating system's native features to evade detection and ensure compatibility. In the realm of ransomware threats, this can be seen in the use of the cryptographic functions within ADVAPI32.dll, such as CryptAcquireContextA, CryptEncrypt, and CryptDecrypt.

Foresiet Explores the Patterns of Ransomware Attacks on VMware ESXi Infrastructure

Foresiet, your trusted cybersecurity partner, delves into the intricate world of ransomware attacks targeting VMware ESXi infrastructure, shedding light on the established patterns uncovered by cybersecurity firm Sygnia. These findings unveil a standardized sequence of actions adopted by threat actors, regardless of the variant of file-encrypting malware deployed. Understanding the Modus Operandi.

How To Prevent Ransomware Attacks on Your Devices

Ransomware is one of the fastest-growing cyber attack vectors, making it crucial to learn how to prevent it. To prevent ransomware attacks on your devices, you should avoid clicking suspicious links and attachments, never insert random USBs into your device, keep your Operating System (OS) up to date, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when connecting to public WiFi and use a password manager to ensure your passwords are strong.