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Fake Advanced IP Scanner Installer Delivers Dangerous CobaltStrike Backdoor

During a recent client investigation, Trustwave SpiderLabs found a malicious version of the Advanced IP Scanner installer, which contained a backdoored DLL module. Our client had been searching for the Advanced IP Scanner tool online and inadvertently downloaded the compromised installer from a typo-squatted domain that appeared in their search results. Figure 1. Search results for Advanced IP Scanner may direct users to a malicious domain.

Lost in the Fog: A New Ransomware Threat

On May 2, 2024, Arctic Wolf Labs began monitoring deployment of a new ransomware variant referred to as Fog. The ransomware activity was observed in several Arctic Wolf Incident Response cases, each exhibiting similar elements. All victim organizations were located in the United States, 80% of which were in the education sector and 20% in the recreation sector. We are sharing details of this emerging variant to help organizations defend against this threat.

Locker vs Crypto Ransomware: What's the Difference?

While both locker and crypto ransomware are types of ransomware, there is one key difference between the two. The main difference between locker and crypto ransomware is that locker ransomware locks an entire device whereas crypto ransomware only encrypts files and data stored on the infected device. Keep reading to learn more about locker and crypto ransomware and how your organization can prevent these and other ransomware attacks.

Building Cyber Resilience Amid Azure Migration

With ransomware increasing and a complex, business-critical cloud migration on the horizon, BSM, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, was seeking a solution to monitor its environment for potential threats, both now and in the future. Working with Kroll gives the company greater visibility across its global network of offices and ships to better detect and respond to threats.

Understanding and Mitigating Snowflake Data Risks Amid Increased Cyber Threat Activity

In today's digital landscape, data security is more crucial than ever. Recently, Snowflake, a leading cloud data platform, has observed a significant uptick in cyber threat activity targeting some of its customers' accounts. This development has prompted an in-depth investigation to understand and mitigate these risks.

Best Practices for Secure Communication During Business Trips in the APAC Region

Make no mistakes about it, we live in a world where information is power. Securing your information while you communicate on business trips is critical, especially within regions like APAC (Asia Pacific) where rapid technological advancement has led to increased risk of cyber threats.

91% of Every Ransomware Attack Today Includes Exfiltrating Your Data

New insight into ransomware attacks show that cyber attacks are a top concern for organizations – with many not aware they were a victim until after the attack. According to Arctic Wolf’s The State of Cybersecurity: 2024 Trends Report, 91% of reported ransomware attacks included a data exfiltration effort. This is far more than the sub-80% numbers we’ve seen from the Coveware quarterly reports we cover.

Top tips: Three telltale signs that you have been cryptojacked

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re looking at three signs that your device may be infected with crypto malware. Has your computer been acting strange lately? Has the performance tanked out of nowhere, and are you experiencing overheating issues even though you’re not running any particularly demanding tasks at the moment?

Elastic Security shines in Malware Protection Test by AV-Comparatives

Real-world malware 100% protection with zero false positives Elastic Security has achieved remarkable results in the recent AV-Comparatives Malware Protection Test, with a protection rate of 100% and no false positives against real-world malware samples. This independent assessment underscores our commitment to providing world-class malware protection, with zero false positives and zero user impact.