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Ransomware Attacks: How They Happen, the Threats and Risks

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and businesses need to be aware of the dangers they pose. In this blog post, we will discuss how ransomware attacks take place, the threats they pose, and the aftermath for businesses. We will also provide tips for protecting your business from ransomware attacks. If you prefer a watch over a read, our consultant breaks Ransomware down in the video below.

Stories from the SOC - Persistent malware

One of the most prevalent threats today, facing both organizations and individuals alike, is the use of ransomware. In 2021, 37% of organizations said they were victims of some type of ransomware attack. Ransomware can render large amounts of important data inaccessible nearly instantly. This makes reacting to potential ransomware events in a timely and accurate manner extremely important. Utilizing an endpoint security tool is critical to help mitigate these threats.

Follow the Money: How eCriminals Monetize Ransomware

The transaction details and monetization patterns of modern eCrime reveal critical insights for organizations defending against ransomware attacks. Cybercrime has evolved over the past several years from simple “spray and pray” attacks to a sophisticated criminal ecosystem centered around highly effective monetization techniques that enable adversaries to maximize success and profitability.

CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac Achieves Highest Score in AV-TEST MacOS Evaluation for Business Users (March 2022)

CrowdStrike is the only vendor to achieve the highest possible score of 18 points in protection, performance and usability out of all four tested vendors during the AV-TEST MacOS evaluation for business users in March 2022.

RedLine Stealer Campaign Using Binance Mystery Box Videos to Spread GitHub-Hosted Payload

RedLine Stealer is a malware that emerged in 2020, discovered in underground forums being sold in different plans, starting from $100 per month. The malware offers many capabilities for device reconnaissance, remote control, and information stealing, including: Since its discovery, attackers have used many different vectors to spread this stealer, including through fake installers and fake game hacking tools. Also, RedLine Stealer was found in compromised devices by the DEV-0537 hacking group (a.k.a.

Why Hackers Are Targeting Microsoft 365

It’s no secret that hackers are attracted to large and lucrative targets in the vast digital sphere. Oftentimes, the largest targets present the most avenues for attack. And with over 300 million users worldwide, Microsoft 365 is one of those large targets. Over 80% of deployed Microsoft 365 accounts have suffered an email breach and over 70% have suffered an account takeover.

Building Cyber Resiliency with the TCS-Rubrik Solution

Data is an integral part of any organization and hence it is important to respond to and recover it from any crisis. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for data security and cyber resiliency is evident. Cyber resiliency is the ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber-attacks and data breaches while continuing to operate effectively.