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Can Macs Get Ransomware? Examples + Prevention Strategies

Many of the most prolific ransomware attacks to hit the news, such as Wannacry and Petya in 2017, affected PC users only. The distinct absence of Apple computers in the long list of victims has many Mac users wondering if ransomware attacks are a cyber threat they need to worry about. Can ransomware affect Macs? Short answer: Yes. While rare, security researchers have noted examples of Mac-compatible ransomware variants.

New Black Basta Ransomware Group

Over the past month a new ransomware group, named Black Basta, has emerged and has quickly gained popularity. As 29 victims have already been added to Black Basta’s victim list, the group is drawing the attention of security researchers and hunters in the cybersecurity community worldwide. In the era of post-ContiLeaks ransomware groups are looking to utilize and base their product on the fairly successful Conti code.

What Does Defense-in-depth Mean and How Does it Bring Infrastructure and Data Security Together?

With the rise of ransomware and cyber attacks, the term defense-in-depth has risen to the forefront, but what exactly does it mean? At its core, defense-in-depth is a protection mechanism for network security–an approach that involves layering or using multiple controls in series to protect against possible threats. This layered concept provides multiple redundancies in the event systems and data are compromised.

Ransomware: 2023's top attacks and need-to-know stats

As we navigate through 2023, ransomware attacks continue to grow in scale and sophistication. This year has already witnessed an alarming number of high-profile incidents (at the time of writing), meaning ransomware attacks remain one of the most significant cybersecurity threats organizations face.

How to Decrypt Ransomware (with 100% Free Tools)

‍Ransomware attacks are dominating news headlines, with ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operators actively seeking to exploit network vulnerabilities and infect unsuspecting victims. The healthcare sector and financial industry are especially vulnerable to ransomware attacks, as they store valuable personally identifiable data (PII) which can be misused to carry out lucrative crimes, like identity theft and fraud.

Emotet Analysis: New LNKs in the Infection Chain - The Monitor, Issue 20

Kroll has been tracking Emotet since it was first identified in 2014, especially during its transition from a banking Trojan designed to primarily steal credentials and sensitive information to a multi-threat polymorphic downloader for more destructive malware. Today, Emotet operators stand as one of the most prominent initial access brokers, providing cybercriminals with access to organizations for a fee.

The Aftermath: Steps to Recovering from a Malware Attack

Malware (shorthand for “malicious software”) is any intrusive software that can infiltrate your computer systems to damage or destroy them or to steal data from them. The most common types of malware attacks include viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. Malware attacks are pervasive, and can be devastating to an unprepared business. Preparing for such attacks also means accepting the reality that eventually you will fall victim to one – and that you can then recover from it swiftly.

Ransomware demands acts of kindness to get your files back

The great thing about working in the world of cybersecurity is that there’s always something new. You may think you’ve seen it all, and then something comes along that completely surprises you. And that’s certainly true of the GoodWill ransomware, which security firm CloudSEK described this week.

Grandoreiro Banking Malware Resurfaces for Tax Season

Trustwave SpiderLabs in early April observed a Grandoreiro malware campaign targeting bank users from Brazil, Spain, and Mexico. The campaign exploits the tax season in target countries by sending out tax-themed phishing emails. Grandoreiro was first detected in 2016 is one of the largest banking trojan families developed to strike targets Latin America.