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BlueHornet - One APT to Terrorize Them All

One thing that we’ve learned from the Russia-Ukraine conflict is that the cybersecurity and the cyber-warfare world is going to change, if it hasn’t already. While Anonymous, the TI Army of Ukraine, and more hacktivist groups are actively participating in the conflict, a relatively new group brings something new to the table.

Threat Actor Deploys Malicious Packages Using Hex Encoding and Delayed Execution

Over the past week, the WhiteSource security team has found several instances of packages that use unusual techniques to disguise malicious intent. These techniques differ from what we have usually seen in the past, such as base64 and JS obfuscation. This time, we are seeing a malicious actor use hex encoding to hide the malicious behavior of the package.

A Guide To Cuckoo Sandbox

Malware is a surefire knife that hackers and malicious cyber criminals use to attack organizations and corporations. Unfortunately, malware analysis in the current cybersecurity space is lengthy. It might take more than ten years to understand the size and complexity of recurring malware. Besides, detecting and eliminating malware artifacts in the current evolving period isn't enough. Security analysts also need to understand how the malware operates, the motivation, and the goals of the breach.

Companies are more prepared to pay ransoms than ever before

A new report, which surveyed 1200 IT security professionals in 17 countries around the world, has shone a light on a dramatic rise in the number of organisations willing to pay ransoms to extortionists. The ninth annual Cyberthreat Defense Report (CDR), produced by CyberEdge Group, shows that not only has there been a substantial increase in the percentage of companies that pay ransoms, but the average size of ransomware payments also increased significantly.

Choosing the Right Metadata Store: Part 2

Part 1 of this series covered the challenges Rubrik initially faced with its metadata store. Our applications had to become quite complex to work around some of these challenges. We decided it was time to evaluate and switch to a different metadata store, and started building a database evaluation framework to help our decision process.

Tax Season Scams Are Here Again - How to Mitigate Risk

Ransomware has dominated the headlines the last couple of years. But it might surprise you to hear that another scourge—business email compromise (BEC)—accounted for 49 times more in losses in 2021. As reported in the FBI’s latest Internet Crime Report, BEC cost organizations and individuals $2.4 billion versus $49.2 million for ransomware. In fact, more than a third of total cybercrime last year can be attributed to BEC.

How to Integrate JFrog and Cycode

Four years ago the Clark School of engineering at the University of Maryland published a study quantifying that there is some kind of hacker attack happening every 39 seconds (on average). Which is unreal!! Source: University of Maryland A cyberattack can harm millions of people. Let’s take for example the Atlanta ransomware attack that used the infamous SamSam ransomware. The attackers asked for a ransom of $51,000.