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Mastering Cybersecurity Challenges: How Crisis Simulations Empower Organizations to Defend Against Cyber Threats

Cyberattacks are a constant and evolving threat across all sectors with 2023 seeing a resurgence in data breaches and ransomware attacks with popular variants like Clop, LockBit, and ALPHV, among others, terrorizing businesses and exploiting system vulnerabilities. The 2021–2022 financial year saw an increase in cybercrime, with over 76,000 reports made to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), with no signs of slowing down.

Guarding the Vault: Unmasking Cyber Threats Facing the Financial Sector in 2023

Banks and other financial institutions have the one thing every criminal desires. Money. So, it only makes sense that cybercriminals prioritize attacking this industry sector, and it makes even more sense for these institutions to harden their systems to prevent attacks.

Hidden Data Exfiltration Using Time, Literally

I was looking at my watch last week and my attention was moved towards the seconds over at the right of the watch face, incrementing nicely along as you’d expect. Now, I don’t know if I’d just spent too long staring at a debugger screen or if it was something in the air, but an idea dawned on me, related to all things command and control, data exfiltration, etc.

Trustwave Launches Managed SIEM for Microsoft Sentinel

Trustwave has introduced a new solution allowing organizations using Microsoft Sentinel to obtain the highest return on investment possible while keeping their security level at peak performance and improving response times. Trustwave Managed SIEM for Microsoft Sentinel is a managed solution intended to maximize an organization’s Microsoft E5 investment, specifically firms without a robust cybersecurity team.

How a Database Risk Assessment Reduces the Risk of a Cyberattack

Database security often, and to an organization's detriment, falls between the cracks as security and IT teams scramble to stay on top of daily cyber hygiene tasks and deal with the never-ending problems of running their network. The danger of overlooking their database, or to put it in, say, banking terms – the vault – is this is likely a threat actor's primary target. An organization's database is where IP, credentials, and financial information are stored.

HTTP/2 Rapid Reset

A recent vulnerability tracked as Rapid Reset (CVE-2023-44487) in the HTTP/2 protocol was recently disclosed by researchers and vendors. It was exploited in the wild from August 2023 to October 2023. The issue arises from the HTTP/2 protocol's ability to cancel streams using an RST_STREAM frame, which can be misused to overload servers by initiating and quickly canceling numerous streams, circumventing the server's concurrent stream limit.

Unveiling the CAPTCHA Escape: The Dance of CAPTCHA Evasion Using TOR

In this era, threat actors have proven to be tireless in their pursuit of exploiting vulnerabilities and gaining unauthorized access to online platforms using anything from simple to sophisticated attacks. Today, we delve into shedding light on how attackers employ methods to bypass one of the most common defenses against automated attacks. Particularly on using TOR networks to evade or bypass CAPTCHA.

Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing: The 2023 Financial Services Sector Threat Landscape

Cyberattacks striking the financial services industry are more prevalent, dangerous, and hitting faster than ever. To provide much needed guidance and recommended mitigation measures the elite Trustwave SpiderLabs team conducted a multi-month investigation into the cyber threats facing the financial services sector and released the report 2023 Financial Services Sector Threat Landscape: Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing and Mitigation Strategies.

NASA, GSA, and Department of Defense Propose Rule to Standardize Cybersecurity Requirements for Federal Contracts

Several U.S. federal agencies have proposed a rule, FAR Case 2021–019, and issued a call for public comment to standardize cybersecurity contractual requirements for unclassified federal information systems and a statute on improving the nation's cybersecurity.