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Trustwave Government Solutions Achieves "FedRAMP In Process - PMO Review" Designation

Trustwave Government Solutions (TGS) is proud to announce its designation as “In Process Program Management Office (PMO) Review" by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) for its Government Fusion platform. TGS expects to receive full authorization in early 2024.

Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability Leads to Stealthy Godzilla Webshell

Trustwave has observed a surge in attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in Apache ActiveMQ hosts. In certain cases, these host malicious Java Server Pages (JSP) web shells. The web shells are concealed within an unknown binary format and are designed to evade security and signature-based scanners. Notably, despite the binary's unknown file format, ActiveMQ's JSP engine continues to compile and execute the web shell.

Beyond the Facade: Unraveling URL Redirection in Google Services

In the murky waters of cyber threats, one tactic has steadily gained wide adoption: URL redirection in phishing attacks. This stealthy technique allows cybercriminals to cloak malicious links, making them appear harmless to unsuspecting users. Among the vast expanse of online services, various Google Services stand out as frequent targets for exploitation. Cybercriminals find it opportune ground to hide their nefarious intents behind seemingly innocuous links.

3 Ways to Navigate the Challenges of Australian IRAP Assessments

Compliance is a cornerstone for organisations, especially in countries such as the United States. One would expect that mature US-based organisations would be well-versed in navigating compliance-based frameworks, ensuring their operations align with established standards. However, when these same US-based organisations seek to align their systems with the Australian Government, a challenging mindset shift is often required to adhere to a more risk-focused approach.

Types of Social Engineering Attacks used to Gain Internal Network Access

Social engineering is a technique commonly used by adversaries to manipulate individuals or groups of people into divulging confidential information, performing certain actions, or giving up access to valuable resources. These attacks can take many forms and are typically carried out through electronic communication channels or in-person interactions.

How a Managed Detection and Response Service Helps Get the Most out of Microsoft Defender XDR

For years, Microsoft has been making significant inroads in the security space, earning number-one rankings from top industry analyst firms IDC and Forrester for its endpoint and extended detection and response (XDR) security tools. Taking full advantage of these tools, however, requires some significant know-how and 24x7 staffing, prompting many to turn to a managed detection and response (MDR) service provider for help.

(Response) Splitting Up Reverse Proxies To Reach Internal Only Paths

When I’m carrying out security research into a thing, I generally don’t like to Google prior research right away. I know, this completely goes against how you would (and should!) carry out any research; starting with a literature review to find the lay of the land and existing research done in the area to then expand upon. However, I have a habit of getting that light bulb idea or concept and acting upon it right away, rolling up my sleeves and putting my wellies on, ready to get dirty.

Navigating the EU's Upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is set to go into effect on January 17, 2025, and with it will come new information security and risk management requirements placed on EU financial service providers and their associated critical third-party technology entities.

Trustwave Transfers ModSecurity Custodianship to the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP)

After serving as its steward for over a decade, Trustwave has agreed to transfer the reins of the renowned open-source web application firewall (WAF) engine, ModSecurity, to the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). This landmark move promises to inject fresh energy and perspectives into the project, ensuring its continued evolution as a vital line of defense for countless websites worldwide.

CVE-2023-50916: Authentication Coercion Vulnerability in Kyocera Device Manager

Kyocera’s Device Manager is a web-based application that allows network administrators to monitor and manage large fleets of Kyocera printers and multi-function devices. It provides a dedicated server and a unified interface to discover, organize, and manage devices, install applications, program alerts, schedule reports, and more. The latest versions of Kyocera’s Device Manager support installation on Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022 and Windows 10 and 11.