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Defending Against ChatGPT-Enhanced Phishing with Managed Detection and Response

Phishing, already a serious, ever-present threat, is getting even more pernicious thanks to ChatGPT, which enables threat actors to craft more realistic emails. Clearly, organizations need a way to fight back that recognizes the depth of the threat, including by employing managed detection and response services.

Unlock the Power of Your SIEM with Co-Managed SOC

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems play a pivotal role in cybersecurity: they offer a unified solution for gathering and assessing alerts from a plethora of security tools, network structures, and software applications. Yet, the mere presence of a SIEM isn't a magic bullet. For optimal functionality, SIEM systems must be appropriately set up, governed, and supervised round-the-clock.

Trustwave SpiderLabs Report: LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Vs. the Manufacturing Sector

As the manufacturing sector continues its digital transformation, Operational Technology (OT), Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) are becoming increasingly exposed to cyberattacks, particularly those involving ransomware.

Trustwave's Observations on the Recent Cyberattack on Aliquippa Water Treatment Plant

The attack last week on the Municipal Water Authority in Aliquippa, Penn., that gave threat actors access to a portion of the facility’s pumping equipment has spurred the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)and WaterISAC to each issue incident reports and raised multiple questions regarding the site’s security and potential danger to similar plants.

Trustwave Backs New CISA, NCSC Artificial Intelligence Development Guidelines

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the United Kingdom's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) today jointly released Guidelines for Secure AI System Development in partnership with 21 additional international partners.

Trustwave's 2023 Retail Threat Intelligence Report: Gaining Access

The Trustwave SpiderLabs team's recent in-depth look at the threats facing the retail landscape has uncovered a wide array of adversaries actively attacking this sector along with their tried-and-true methods of gaining access, moving laterally, and finally exfiltrating valuable data. This information is thoroughly detailed in the Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing: The 2023 Retail Services Sector Threat Landscape.

The Two Sides of ChatGPT: Helping MDR Detect Blind Spots While Bolstering the Phishing Threat

ChatGPT is proving to be something of a double-edged sword when it comes to cybersecurity. Threat actors employ it to craft realistic phishing emails more quickly, while white hats use large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT to help gather intelligence, sift through logs, and more. The trouble is it takes significant know-how for a security team to use ChatGPT to good effect, while it takes just a few semi-knowledgeable hackers to craft ever more realistic phishing emails.

Trustwave MailMarshal Email Security Protects Against WinRAR Vulnerability CVE-2023-38831

The importance of email security cannot be understated. Proof of this can be seen in some recent research conducted by the Trustwave SpiderLabs team around our email security product MailMarshal. The team recently ran an experiment on known Zero Day CVE-2023-38831 found in RARLabs WinRAR that is currently being exploited in the wild in WinRAR versions 6.23 and earlier. WinRAR is a compression, archiving, and archive managing software tool.

Bah, Humbug! Grinchbots and Freebie Bots Attempt to Ruin Holiday Shopping for Consumers and Retailers

If the holiday classic “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was remade in 2023, the mean green guy might be played by an Internet bot. Sure, these bots may not come down your chimney and steal a tree or holiday dinner, but threat actors have designed them to help ruin retailer and consumer holiday shopping experiences. Trustwave SpiderLabs exposed how the two primary bot variants, Grinchbots and Freebie Bots, operate in the team's recent report.

Trustwave MDR: The Pivot Point That Enhances Multiple Security Tools

Several years ago, Trustwave, already a leader in Managed Security Services (MSS), recognized the shift in market needs and fully pivoted to its future as a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) leader. Trustwave's leadership chose this course because it understood that a leading cybersecurity solution provider could no longer be effective without all the weapons MDR brings to the fight.