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ManageEngine is recognized as a December 2021 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Privileged Access Management

ManageEngine’s privileged access management (PAM) suite of products have helped over one million IT administrators and users around the globe efficiently manage their privileged credentials and access. On that note, we’re excited to announce that we’ve been recognized as a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Privileged Access Management!

Falcon XDR: Extending Detection and Response - The Right Way

This week we announced the general availability of CrowdStrike’s newest innovation, Falcon XDR, and I couldn’t be more excited. Using our same single, lightweight agent architecture, Falcon XDR enables security teams to bring in third-party data sources for a fully unified solution to rapidly and efficiently hunt and eliminate threats across multiple security domains.

Kubernetes Security Posture Review and Cross-Cluster Restores with New CloudCasa Release

We’re officially more than halfway through winter here in the northern hemisphere, and although that famous Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil has just predicted six more weeks of cold and snow, we have some good news that we think helps make up for it. We’re announcing a major new release of CloudCasa features!

Why you need Tigera's new active cloud-native application security

First-generation security solutions for cloud-native applications have been failing because they apply a legacy mindset where the focus is on vulnerability scanning instead of a holistic approach to threat detection, threat prevention, and remediation. Given that the attack surface of modern applications is much larger than in traditional apps, security teams are struggling to keep up and we’ve seen a spike in breaches.

WatchGuard Wins Big in CRN's 2022 Channel Chiefs List

For the fifth consecutive year, CRN has honored several WatchGuard leaders in its annual Channel Chiefs list. This exclusive awards program shines a spotlight on the top IT channel vendor executives who continually demonstrate a high level of expertise, influence and innovation in the channel.

Join "The Big Fix" to secure your projects with Snyk and earn cool swag

What if there was a large, global event dedicated to finding and fixing security vulnerabilities in both open and closed-source software? An event that brings developers, DevOps, and security practitioners of all skill levels and backgrounds together to collectively make the software world more secure? Well, I’m excited to announce that Snyk has made this a reality by launching The Big Fix — a month-long event that’s running now!

Egnyte Earns Spot on G2's 2022 Best Software Awards List

In today’s remote or hybrid work environments, companies want technology that is secure, easy to use, and accessible from anywhere. And when it comes time to find the right technology, they turn to peer-to-peer review sites like G2, the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplace.

Devo Exchange: Accelerating Time to Value for Devo Customers

At Devo, we take pride in providing our customers with innovations that enable them to derive tremendous value from our Platform and applications as they work to keep their organizations secure. That ongoing commitment is embodied in our newest offering — Devo Exchange.

DevSecOps Is Mainstream: New Research Finds 20x Increase in Software Security Scanning Over the Past Decade

Veracode State of Software Security report reveals the average cadence for organizations scanning apps has grown 20x since 2010. The number of apps scanned for security flaws per quarter has more than tripled over the past decade. Businesses with hands-on security training for developers fix software flaws 35% faster.

Announcing the 12th Volume of Our State of Software Security Report

The 12th volume of our annual State of Software Security (SOSS) report is now live! Rather than examining a single year of activity associated with an application, in this year's report we looked at the entire history of active applications. By doing so, we can view the full life cycle of applications, which results in more accurate metrics and observations.