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June 2024

The Benefits and Challenges of Decentralized Cloud Computing for Modern Companies

Cloud computing has changed the way companies process and store their data. It has allowed for more flexibility and has given companies the ability to access their data and conduct operations from remote locations. This has allowed companies to recruit and manage employees who live outside their office locations, giving them access to global talent while saving costs.

How CPG 235 is Shaping Data Security Standards in Finance

In 2013, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) introduced Prudential Practice Guide CPG 235, a comprehensive framework designed to enhance data risk management across the finance sector. This guide provides financial institutions with principles and best practices to safeguard data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. This blog explores CPG 235, its key components, compliance requirements, and how implementing the framework can enhance data security standards at your organization.

Inbox on Lockdown: Stop Email Leaks Before They Happen

Ever hit send on an email and immediately felt that sinking feeling? Maybe it was an attachment containing sensitive data that was misplaced, or that clever phishing email that convinced a colleague to cough up login credentials. These are cases that clearly explain the critical need for Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
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Six steps to protecting data in financial services companies

There is no shortage of news headlines about companies falling victim to cyber breaches and the astounding costs associated with them. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase since 2020. For the financial services industry, the cost is even higher at $5.9 million per breach; that is 28% above the global average.

Why outdated access control is putting your data at risk

Imagine this: you wake up to a notification – your company has suffered a data breach. Fear sets in as you think about what this means: customer data exposed, your company’s reputation damaged, and big fines on the horizon. In today’s digital landscape, this scenario is too common. Organizations worldwide face penalties for non-compliance with regulations, such as fines of up to $50,000 per incident for violating HIPAA.

Winner of the 2024 IoT HealthTech Innovation Award

IoThinkTank is proud to announce Device Authority as the 2024 IoT HealthTech Innovation Award winner for their groundbreaking KeyScaler-as-a-Service (KSaaS) solution. This accolade recognizes exceptional advancements in IoT technologies that significantly improve patient care and data security in the HealthTech sector.

What Is Sensitive Data?

With the advent of the digital transformation — spurred on by the pandemic-related rise in remote work — companies now store most of their data digitally. While moving to digital data storage is incredibly convenient and promotes increased collaboration and efficiency, it has also opened the door for an unprecedented number of cyber-attacks and data breaches.

Understanding and Addressing Data Security Challenges

The exponential growth of data in today’s digital age brings both enormous opportunities and significant challenges for businesses. While data drives innovation, personalizes customer experiences, and informs strategic decisions, protecting this important asset necessitates a strong and constantly evolving security posture. This blog goes into the fundamentals of data security, examines the challenges and issues that companies face, and proposes concrete methods for effective data protection.

Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Neither

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword du jour of not just tech, but the entire online world. We see it in the daily headlines of everything from industry stalwarts such as Wired (There’s an AI Candidate Running for Parliament in the UK) through the stiff-collared set at the Wall Street Journal (What the Apple-OpenAI Deal Means for Four Tech Titans). Everyone who is anyone is talking about it, training it, or trying leverage against it.

Advanced Data Security: Safeguarding Your Business In The Digital Age

Data is the driving force behind businesses in this digital age. From customer information and financial records to trade secrets and proprietary research, these digital assets are invaluable. As cyber threats evolve, safeguarding your organization’s data has become an utmost priority. Whether you’re a small business owner, a corporate leader, or an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialist, the consequences of a data breach are severe and far-reaching.

Integrity and FIM: It's More than Just Data Security

Integrity is a vital component of any cybersecurity policy, making up one-third of the CIA Triad. However, until recently, the industry has had a limited understanding of the term, using it primarily in the context of data security. Integrity means so much more than this principle alone: it impacts every facet of an information system and can drive an organization's entire security program. Fundamentally, integrity ensures that no one tampers with your assets, whatever and wherever they may be.

Is over-focusing on privacy hampering the push to take full advantage of AI?

Customer data needs to be firewalled and if protected properly can still be used for valuable analytics In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby declared that data is the new oil-and so could be the fuel source for a new, data-driven Industrial Revolution.

Ensuring Data Security with Acumatica ERP: A Comprehensive Guide for Midmarket Businesses

Acumatica's cloud ERP offers robust security features, protecting business data from modern cyber threats. With access controls, data encryption, and continuous monitoring, it ensures end-to-end security. For expert assistance in Acumatica ERP security, visit

Credential Theft Protection: Defending Your Organization's Data

Cyber attacks often begin with reconnaissance. Before they launch an attack, threat actors poke and prod at an organization’s defenses, looking for vulnerabilities. If you’ve invested in robust cybersecurity solutions, you may feel you’re protected against that threat. But what if your attackers don’t target your corporate network? What if, instead, they target your employees? And what if your employees don’t even know they’re being targeted?

How CASB and DLP Work Together to Safeguard Data

Cloud computing has changed the way we work, and mostly for the better. Widely available cloud applications let us create new documents, access our existing files, and communicate with our coworkers from just about anywhere. However, cloud computing has also created new data security and privacy concerns. A comprehensive CASB DLP policy can help address these concerns and keep your organization’s data exactly where it belongs.