Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

Protect Your Business from Being Cryptojacked!

Cryptojacking is rapidly emerging as the most popular type of attack on cloud native applications and infrastructure. Care to guess how many cryptojacking attacks were recording in 2023? As a reference point, in the year before (2022), there were 139M cryptojacking attacks. However, this number jumped 659% the following year (2023) to 1.06B! That averages nearly 3M cryptojacking attacks every day, on average.

CVE-2024-6385: Critical Unauthorized Pipeline Job Vulnerability in GitLab

On July 10, 2024, GitLab issued an advisory regarding a critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-6385) in GitLab CE/EE that had been reported to them through a bug bounty program. This vulnerability allows a threat actor to trigger a GitLab pipeline as another user under certain circumstances. A GitLab pipeline is a collection of automated processes that run in stages to build, test, and deploy code.

Unlock new revenue streams with blockchain payments use cases

Blockchain technology is making a significant impact in the payments sector. Some of the largest names in the industry are utilizing blockchain, including the likes of: As top-tier organizations like these continue to launch blockchain initiatives, it’s become clear that blockchain can facilitate the movement of value in the same way SWIFT, SEPA, and FedNow can, and can even be more efficient than traditional rails at times.

Sygnum taps Fireblocks for new instant settlement network

Sygnum, a global digital asset banking group founded in Switzerland, is launching Sygnum Connect – their new, 24/7 instant settlement network for fiat, digital assets, and stablecoin transactions. Aimed at institutional investors, liquidity providers, stablecoin issuers, brokers, exchanges, and more, Sygnum Connect launches with connectivity to 200+ Sygnum institutional clients. Sygnum has tapped Fireblocks to provide the fiat settlement infrastructure for Connect.

Why Dynamic Data Masking (by Itself) Isn't Enough

As more reports of massive data breaches surface, implementing a robust data protection strategy is not an option but a must. Sensitive data must be secure whether it’s in use, in transit, or at rest. No matter where the data is stored or viewed, it must be protected to accomplish National Institute of Standards and Technology requirements and many other regulations. Protecting data, your most sensitive assets is critical.

Top tips: 5 ways to identify fraud calls and prevent financial loss

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list out ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re showing you how to spot a fraud call and avoid getting scammed. Microsoft, AT&T, the FBI, and the IRS—what do these four entities have in common? Most likely, you or someone you know has received a call from somebody impersonating these entities.

Clico Partner Event 2024 Interview with Ivan Dolensky

Fidelis VP of International Sales, Ivan Dolensky was interviewed by Marcin Prokop at the Clico Partner Event 2024, about how Fidelis Security position itself on the cybersecurity solutions market and the weakness he sees in the current protection and effectiveness of Active Directory security.