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July 2024

2024 Cyber Resilience Research Unveils Healthcare Sector Challenges

New data illuminates how healthcare leaders can prioritize resilience. Organizations find themselves at the intersection of progress and peril in the rapidly evolving digital healthcare landscape. The latest data underscores that the trade-offs are significant and pose substantial risks to healthcare institutions. One of the foremost obstacles is the disconnect between senior executives and cybersecurity priorities.

18 Types of Employee Fraud & How To Prevent Them

Employee fraud is not just a rare occurrence, but a prevalent issue in the American workplace. Shockingly, three out of four employees have confessed to stealing from their workplace at least once for personal gain. The types of fraud are diverse, ranging from petty theft to complex schemes involving benefits, accounts receivable fraud, or intellectual property. The risk of employee fraud affects both small and large businesses.

5 Examples of IP Theft & How To Protect Your Business

The business world continues to move to a knowledge-worker-based economy. Companies derive less and less value from widgets and more from the processes, ideas, and innovations they create — their intellectual property (IP). But IP needs to be protected. IP theft is the appropriation of unique ideas, inventions, or theft of trade secrets, usually by malicious insiders.

Threat Intelligence for Small Organizations

Many smaller organizations aren’t sure where to start with threat intelligence; it may seem like the kind of maturity reserved for large organizations. Threat intelligence is a proactive cybersecurity strategy focused on collecting information about current threats, analyzing it, and using that information to identify and mitigate threats within the network. It’s approachable even for smaller organizations that don’t have the resources for novel research and analysis.

Weekly Cyber Security News 11/07/2024

Let’s catch up on the more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news gathered from articles across the web this week. This is what we have been reading about on our coffee break! A couple of real nasty Open Source issues in the past week. The first and most recent is Ghostscript. Could well be a lot of SaaS products affected.

Monitoring and Auditing LLM Interactions for Security Breaches

Monitoring and auditing are critical components of cybersecurity, designed to detect and prevent malicious activities. Monitoring involves real-time observation of system activities, while auditing entails a systematic review of logs and interactions. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, are increasingly integrated into various applications, making them attractive targets for cyber threats.

Keeper 101 | Enterprise: How to Use Keeper Commander CLI

Keeper Commander allows you to perform administrative and vault functions from a command line environment on Mac, Windows and Linux. You can start Commander by typing “keeper shell” in a terminal window. Enter your username, password, and complete any 2FA requirements when prompted. If you are logging in for the first time on a new device, you may be prompted for device approval for additional security. More information about login methods, such as SSO, can be found in our documentation.