Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

What Is Kerberoasting and How to Prevent it

Kerberoasting is a form of cyber attack that targets service accounts using the Kerberos authentication protocol. Attackers exploit the authentication protocol to extract password hashes and crack the plaintext passwords attached to the account. These attacks are prevalent because they can be difficult to notice and mitigate.

Unveiling CPS 234 Challenges: Insights from APRA's Cyber Security Stocktake

Australia has seen several high profile cyber incidents in 2023 and has seen significant loss of customer data (Canva’s 139 million customers, Latitude’s 7.9 million customers HWL Ebsworth’s 65 government agencies, 2.5 million documents). According to the OAIC Notifiable Data Breaches Report: January to June 2023, the top 3 sectors in that period to report data breaches are Health Service Providers (65 notifications), Finance incl.

From Hot Dog Vendor to Mercenary Empire: The Remarkable Rise of the Vagner Group

Embark on an astonishing journey as we unravel the remarkable rise of the Vagner Group, from humble beginnings to one of Russia's largest mercenary organizations. Join us as we delve into their unexpected origins, possibly rooted in the most unlikely of places. Explore how this once small-scale venture transformed into a formidable force in the world of mercenary operations. Other episodes you'll enjoy.