Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

February Release Rollup: Egnyte Sign, Rules-based Metadata, iOS Image Markups, and More

This month's release rollup for product updates and enhancements includes Egnyte Sign, Rules-based Metadata, and iOS Image Markups. Below is a summary of these and other new releases. Visit the articles linked below for more details.

Cybersecurity Risks and Vulnerabilities with Third-Party Vendors

Third-party vendors, contractors, and partners are often an integral part of an organization’s operations. However, they can also pose significant security risks if not properly managed, with poor cybersecurity practices increasingly becoming a major contributing factor to supply chain disruptions. If your organization relies on third parties for anything, understanding and managing their risk should be at the top of your list.

Safeguarding Classified Information

Safeguarding classified information is paramount to the security of any nation and its allies. However, modern collaboration tools and devices have made protecting it more challenging without the proper guardrails. Understanding classified information handling requirements and the technologies that can help enforce these obligations are the keys to preventing unauthorised access, dissemination and exposure of classified information.

Cybersecurity Threats & Challenges in Healthcare Industry

78% of healthcare organizations experienced a cyberattack in the past year, exposing millions of patients' sensitive data. With patient records selling 10x more than other data on the dark web, threat actors are relentlessly targeting healthcare. To learn more on how you can Protect your institute - watch this video. Netwrix GroupID automates and delegates group and user management, necessary for Healthcare organizations, ensuring your directories remain current and empower you to enhance security while increasing IT productivity.

Demystifying GenAI security, and how Cato helps you secure your organizations access to ChatGPT

Over the past year, countless articles, predictions, prophecies and premonitions have been written about the risks of AI, with GenAI (Generative AI) and ChatGPT being in the center. Ranging from its ethics to far reaching societal and workforce implications (“No Mom, The Terminator isn’t becoming a reality… for now”). Cato security research and engineering was so fascinated about the prognostications and worries that we decided to examine the risks to business posed by ChatGPT.

Secure your code and protect your data flows with Riscosity and Semgrep

Semgrep is a leading static application security testing (SAST) tool powered by an open-source community for surfacing bugs, discovering vulnerabilities, and enforcing code standards. Semgrep has scanned over 75 million packages, contributed to 2000 community rules, and supports over 30 coding languages. Riscosity is the leading data flow observability and security platform. This is why we’re excited to announce Ricosity’s new integration with Semgrep.

How security teams manage threat intelligence with Tines

Every day, the growing threat landscape presents new challenges for security teams, with threats becoming more diverse and complex. But while teams typically have the tools to gather the intelligence they need, they often run into trouble with the next steps in the process - enriching, prioritizing and responding to this intel.

SEO Poisoning Part 1: Understanding SEO Poisoning and Its Impact

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial marketing tool for driving organic traffic to websites. It works on a simple premise that users trust top search results are the most relevant to their needs. In general, we will feel much more confident digesting content or buying products or services from top search engine results.