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Snyk CNA adds flexibility in delivery with self-hosted version for AWS customers

There are several advantages to consuming software as a service (SaaS). For starters, it allows companies of any size to leverage enterprise-grade software (CRM, service desk, security, etc.) in a pay-as-you-go model to avoid spending large sums of money on shelfware that may never get put to use. SaaS also offers customers the ability to scale or change the usage of their software with little to no advance notice, and makes them more agile in delivering products to market.

Snyk streamlines procurement with AWS Marketplace Solution Provider Private Offers (SPPO)

For years now, modern organizations have enjoyed a seamless procurement experience when purchasing software products through AWS Marketplace. AWS has made it possible for customers to purchase third-party software using their allocated AWS budget while still being able to negotiate custom pricing and legal terms directly with their favorite vendors.

Netskope Threat Coverage: DarkSide

DarkSide is a ransomware-as-a-service platform that made headlines on May 8, 2021, for targeting Colonial Pipeline, resulting in a shutdown of their pipeline operations. The DarkSide ransomware platform first appeared in August 2020, advertising that they would not target organizations in the education, government, medical, or non-profit sectors.

Teleport Cloud in 2021: Security Audit Results

This year we launched Teleport Cloud, a new service for providing a hosted version of Teleport Access Plane. One of the first problems the team had to tackle was how to secure the new infrastructure properly, and the team wanted to ensure the best possible results by engaging in an independent audit. As with the Teleport core product, we engaged with Doyensec to provide an independent security audit of our production environment.

Norwegian DPA issues GDPR non-compliance notice to Disqus

This year has already seen over 100 GDPR non-compliance decisions. Mostly limited to regional companies, but a few have made larger news. The latest company poised to be fined is Disqus. Disqus is a commenting platform that companies can embed in their sites or applications to allow visitors to leave comments on individual articles or pages. Norway's data protection authority has notified Disqus that they intend to issue a non-compliance fine of NOK 250,000,000 (about EUR 2,500,000).

Trend Micro launches Cloud One Open Source Security powered by Snyk

Last summer, we announced our plan to expand our partnership with Trend Micro to provide security operations teams visibility and tracking of vulnerabilities and license risks in open source components. The long-standing partnership already includes container image security scanning that leverages Snyk’s proprietary vulnerability database.

Article Six: The highest risk of GDPR fines

Data breaches are big news. They come with a major hit to the trust customers have with a business, and even parts of the world that don't have data privacy laws will often have some form of data breach law. It might be surprising though, for those focused on GDPR, that data breaches don't account for the greatest number, and greatest monetary value, of GDPR fines.

NAME:WRECK DNS Bugs: What You Need to Know

For most internet users, there’s not much of a perceivable difference between the domain name they want to visit and the server that the domain queries. That’s because the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol does a good job of seamlessly routing users to different IP addresses that are all associated with a single domain name.