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Impact of GDPR on Cloud Service Providers

Cloud computing is an integral part of most businesses globally. Technology has transformed the way businesses operate and thrive in the industry. However, the cloud industry has been facing huge challenges when it comes to complying with various data protection and data privacy standards. With the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a lot has changed for most businesses.

How to design Data Safety into your cloud

What is Data Safety, why is it important, and how do you go about designing into the foundations of your data environment? When you see the phrase "Data Safety", the chances are you think of Data Security. Most people do. What is far less likely is that you think of the other two pillars of Data Safety: Data Privacy and Data Governance. Clearly, all three pillars overlap.

Cloud Threats Memo: How Contact Tracing and Personal Cloud Apps Led to a Huge PII Exposure

COVID-19 contact tracing and personal cloud apps, what could possibly go wrong? A recent federal lawsuit, filed against the state of Pennsylvania and a vendor contracted by the state’s Department of Health, provides an interesting answer. The vendor in question was contracted “to provide contact tracing and other similar services” following the outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020.

Hardened Access - Dual Authorization for Roles & Per-session MFA with Yubikeys

This webinar is a deep dive into how companies can harden access to Teleport with two new features in Teleport 6.1 These include creating dual & multi Authorization rules, requiring multiple team members to approve role escalation. This is an important FedRAMP control ( AC-3 ) and increasing the visibility and audibility for access. We’ll show how you can enforce per session MFA with the aid of hardware tokens; reducing the scope and risk related to certificate exfiltration.