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Seeker and Red Hat: Security and speed come together

Security and speed in software development are not mutually exclusive. Red Hat, the open source software giant, and the Synopsys Software Integrity Group are joining forces to prove it. Synopsys is bringing Seeker®, its automated interactive application security testing (IAST) tool, to Red Hat application runtimes like JBoss EAP, OpenJDK, and WebSphere with OpenShift Container Platform to secure a variety of software applications.

Ask SME Anything: Which legacy technologies are being made obsolete by SASE?

Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.

Cloud and Threat Report: Gone Phishing

The total number of phishing attacks doubled in 2020, with phishing for cloud credentials, specifically SaaS and webmail app credentials, accounting for nearly a third of the targets of phishing campaigns. Over the same period, we saw cybercriminals hosting 13% of their baits in cloud apps. This blog post summarizes the top phishing trends from 2020 and looks forward at what to expect for the rest of 2021.

Critical Mobile Security Capabilities Everyone Needs

One thing that 2020 taught us is that you can do anything with a mobile device. My smartphone and tablet have become my go-to for shopping, banking, watching TV and video chatting with family and friends. I’m also getting a lot of work done on them. Basically it has become the center of both my personal and professional lives. Here’s the dilemma a lot of organizations are facing: while away from the office, your workers are using their mobile devices to stay productive.

Cloud Threats Memo: Keeping Distributed Workforces Secure

Thanks to the growing availability of vaccines and immunization campaigns in multiple countries, the world is starting to see a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. We are eager to return to a new normal, being aware that some changes will be permanent, or if not permanent will strongly characterize the next years.

2021 Cybersecurity: Mitigating Mobile Security Risks for CISOs

Cybersecurity has always been a significant challenge for businesses, mostly due to the increasing financial and reputational cost of data breaches. As a result, there has been a consistent rise in tactics and technologies used to combat these threats. These methods fulfill the need for better, smarter ways to augment enterprise-level security and minimize mobile security risks.

Securing the new AWS App Runner service

In its mission to simplify building and running cloud-native applications for users, Amazon has announced the GA of AWS App Runner, a new purpose-built container application service. With security top of mind for most organizations shifting to the cloud, Sysdig has collaborated with AWS to enable threat detection for the new platform.

DigitalOcean vs Linode

Chances are, if you’re shopping for a virtual private server, you already understand why they’re useful for web developers, app designers and everyone in between. You also probably know that the surge in popularity of hourly pricing means you can try most of the big players in this space for yourself for the cost of one Bazooka Joe comic (not even the gum, just the comic).

"Network Security" the Biggest Concern for Public Cloud Adoption, Reveals Survey

Cloud misconfigurations represent something that’s plaguing many organizations’ cloud adoption efforts. For example, a 2020 report found that 91% of cloud deployments contained at least one misconfiguration that left organizations exposed to potential digital threats. Those weaknesses contributed to more than 200 data breaches between 2018 and 2020, noted SC Magazine, with those security incidents exposing more than 30 billion records.